UnitFifteenIntellectualPropertyRightLaw MainContentsThefourpartsofintellectualpropertyrightCopyrightPatentTrademarkKnow-howTheinternationallicensingagreementSomecasesCopyRights著作人身权/精神权利: 发表权;署名权;修改权;保护作品完整权;著作财产权:复制权;发行权;出租权;展览权;表演权;放映权;摄制权;演绎权(改编/翻译/...
Unit FifteenIntellectual Property Right Law 阅读了该文档的用户还阅读了这些文档 22 p. 青奥会ppt - PowerPoint Presentation_PPT课件 28 p. 药物临床试验与GCPPPT课件 25 p. 胺碘酮抗心律失常治疗应用 Microsoft PowerPoint 演示文稿 (3)_PPT课件 64 p. 管理体系--审核知识_PPT课件 27 p. 第十章 ...
Intellectual Property Rights.ppt,Chapter 8 Law of Intellectual Property Rights Introduction Introduction What is intellectual property or IP Intellectual property or IP refers to a legal entitlement which sometimes attaches to the expressed form of an id
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND LEGAL ATTACKS ON COUNTERFEIT GOODS - (PPT)Federal Acquisition Regulations provide that: 1) Contractor must control the quality of goods and provide government only those goods that conform to contract requirements. 2) Government has a right to inspect at source or ...
•• ..IP right holder may provide licenses ..IP right holder may provide licenses •• ……IP rights are territorial in nature IP rights are territorial in nature Forms of Intellectual property Forms of Intellectual property Rights Rights ...
Part II Intellectual Property 知识产权及其 国际保护Section 1 General Introduction 知识产权概述Definition and Scope 1. Copyright ;2. trademark right;3. indication of source or appellation of origin;4. Industrial design; patent;6. utility models; names 8. repression of petition 知识产权实际上是一...
8、 and property right, and the content of power is rich.1Main Principles234Principle of protecting the rights and interests of authorsPrinciple of encouraging the dissemination of outstanding worksPrinciple of the coordination of the interests of the author and the publicPrinciple of being consistent...
知识产权IntellectualPropertylaw课件 IntellectualPropertylawUnitone Uint1.TheintroductionofIntellectualProperty Part1.TheclassofIntellectualPropertylaw --Official No Instructionexperience NoEnglishoriginaledition ++subjectdirection situationrequirement Question2.WhyprotectingIntellectualPropertyisinconformancewith Situation...
The four parts of intellectual property right Copyright Patent Trademark Know-how The international licensing agreement Some cases Copy Rights 著作人身权/精神权利: 发表权;署名权;修改权;保护作品完整 权; 著作财产权: 复制权;发行权;出租权;展览权;表演 权;放映权 ;摄制...
for a limited-term right to exclude others from making, using or selling the potential invention, the inventor must provide a complete and accurate public description. • This provides others with the ability to use that information to invent further, ...