protected by intellectual property, by laws such as those protecting personal property or confidentiality (e.g. trade secret), or by contract. 受知识产权、保护个人财产或机密(如商业秘密)的法律或合同保护的 私人拥有的信息 [...] benefit-sharing, including ...
A good patent lawyer will be well versed in the local law and will be able to safely secure your intellectual property. The most obvious - Going under the radar: You may be very excited about your new discovery. It might change the world, save all the children from poverty, or even ...
Let us recall that IP rights give to pattern-creators partial rights of control—ownership—over the tangible property of everyone else. The pattern-creator has partial ownership of others’ property, by virtue of his IP right, because he can prohibit them from performing certain actionswith their...
A similar trend has been spotted in London, with firms struggling to retain lawyers despite offering lucrative salaries. As a lawyer who left the profession in 2021, albeit in a different country (India), I am more than familiar with the cultural issues that exist within the legal industr...
considerations.TheleadIPlawyermustbealerttothe consequencesarisingfromanyparticularstructurejeopardising intellectualpropertyrights. •Forexample,transferringalltheintellectualpropertytoaseparate IPholdingcompanywhiletransferringalltangibleassetstoa separateoperatingcompany,willcauseproblemsifcommonlaw trademarksareinvolved,becau...