Course 94K views What is Intellectual Property Law? What is intellectual property law? What are the Four Types of Intellectual Property? Intellectual Property Examples Lesson Summary Register to view this lesson Are you a student or a teacher? I am a student I am a teacher FAQ What are...
Intellectual Property Law Course for LLB (Bachelors of Law), University of Hong KongSébastien Gonnet
Intellectual Property Law知识产权法批注本地保存成功开通会员云端永久保存去开通 Subject name Information Intellectual Property Law Curriculum Code: Curriculum Type: Subject Description: This course which endures both theoretical and practical values introduces the fundamental principles for the science of ...
6. Foreign Industrial Property Law and Practice Course Summary OPTION 1: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY (IP) FULL COURSE Cost:RM6,000.00 + 6%SST Mode of Delivery:Online Intake:May, August & October 2022 (every weekends of the month, in total 8 days) ...
Duration:2years(among which the course duration is first year in Zhongnan University of Economics and Law and the rest time is for practical training, thesis writing and online defense in student’s country). Students who com...
LAW 3028 (Intellectual property course.) Bainbridge, Intellectual Property, 9 th edition, Pearson (2012). MacQueen, Waelde, and Laurie, Contemporary Intellectual Property, OUP (2010). 阅读原文 下载APP
in intellectual property law, some areas of practice may be more difficult in which to obtain a start. It is therefore important to develop a solid network of strategic contacts, and it may sometimes be necessary to start out by gaining experience in “allied fields” such as business law ...
RelatedAspectsofIntellectualProperty) TRIPS是WTO体系下的一个多边条约,其宗旨是期望减少国际贸 易中的扭曲和障碍,促进对知识产权充分、有效的保护,保证 知识产权的执法措施与程序不至于变成合法的障碍。 2.2ArtisticAgreement BerneConvention《伯尔尼公约》(TheBerneConventionfor ...
Intellectual property is incredibly valuable, but not always tangible. Business professionals must be able to accurately identify intellectual...
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