Intellectual Property as PropertyBerkeley Electronic Press Selected WorksMolly Van Houweling
The meaning of INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY is property (such as a concept, idea, invention, or work) that derives from the effort of the mind or intellect; also : a right or registration (such as a patent, trademark, trade secret, or copyright) relating to or
The WTO also supervises an agreement on what is calledintellectual property. 世贸组织同时还监督一项叫做知识产权协议的履行. 期刊摘选 This new meter adopted two ASIC LC 47127 LC 47128 in possession ofintellectual property. 该表内部采用两块具有自主知识产权的专用集成电路LC47127和LC47128. ...
知识产权单独出现5次时,翻译为“intellectual property”,但是与其它概念比如“保护”“执行”“侵权”“执行”连用时,有“intellectual property”和“intellectual property rights”两种情况。 1.知识产权“保护”:译为“intellectual property”...
Search Intellectual Property Court Records for Free. Lookup Intellectual Property Cases, Access Case Online, Find Docket Information, View Case Summary, Check Case Status, Download Court Documents, & More.
intellectual property ①知识产权(指译者和著者的著作权、版权、专利权等)②知识产品 intellectual property通常被翻译为"知识产权",在中国台湾 被称为“智慧财产权”;有时为了区分“知识产权”和“知识产品”,“知识产权”有时也写作intellectual property rights。Each Party hereby indemnifies the other Party ...
主要区别2:intelligent有一定的感情色彩,形容有生命的东西,而intellectual没什么感情色彩。如知识产权,就用的是intellectual property,某个人很聪明则要用intelligent。 请仔细揣摩以下句子: A dolphin is an intelligent animal.海豚是有智力的动物。 The...
While the basic social objectives of intellectual property protection are as outlined above, it should also be noted that the exclusive rights given are generally subject to a number of limitations and exceptions, aimed at fine-stuning the balance that has to be found between the legitimate (...
forms of intellectual property can't be listed on thebalance sheetas assets because it's hard to objectively value each asset.However, the value of the property tends to be reflected in the price of the stock because market participants are aware of the existence of the intellectual property....
intellectual property与中文“知识产权”是否对等?intellectual property,不知道当初为何译成“知识产权”,这个词组不论按字面上译、按含义译都不能译“知识产权”。intellectual一词本没有“知识”的意思,它与“知识”是两个不同的概念。作为名词intellectual指“知识分子”,但是在intellectual property词组中...