2574 keywords (M = 4.85 per article) were identified in total. The retrieved author-assigned keywords were manually pre-processed and standardized through merging words that convey similar meaning (e.g., “electronic government” and “e-Gov” were merged into “eGovernment”), fixing misspe...
reserved for women in the old Teahouse, and love also blossomed and lovers got married courting here, the remark made by Delhi University teacher Chhattar Singh's, wife, is telling, “I did not like the place as I used to lose him to others”, the 'others' meaning Singh's male ...
In Tamil Nadu, the Tamil Nadu Prevention of Dangerous Activities of Bootleggers, Drug-offenders, Forest-offenders, Goondas, Immoral Traffic Offenders and Slum-grabbers Act, 1982, commonly referred to as the Goondas Act has been brought into force to curb the crimes committed by ...
Cricket and India are so intensely connected. From people watching the matches on their phones while working to discussions in the cafeteria, from painting their faces to almost “crazy” superstititions as to assigned seats among friends to influence the outcome of the match, cricket is discussed...
It frames the IP system in terms of innovation, technology transfer and public welfare. The TRIPS Council is responsible for administering and monitoring the operation of the TRIPS Agreement. TRIPS was negotiated during the Uruguay Round of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in 1986...
Thus, while using the VAIC framework we accept H2b and H2c in the case of TFPCH, H3a and H3b in the case of TEFFCH, and H4a and H4b in the case of TECHCH, meaning that structural capital and capital employed influences TFPCH, whereas human capital and structural capital influences T...