Background Having a child with intellectual disability impacts all family members, with both parents and siblings having to adjust. Negative impact on the typically developing sibling, specifically, has been shown to vary based on caregiving responsibilities and mothers' stress level.Lauderdale-Littin, ...
Journal of Intellectual & Developmental DisabilityChan, J., Sigafoos, J., Watego., N., Potter G. (2001). `Adults with intellectual disability in long-term respite care: a qualitative study', Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 26 (4), 339- 344.Adults with intellectual ...
1.Research on Sexuality Education and Teaching for Adults with Intellectual Disability;上海市成年智障人士性教育教学研究 英文短句/例句 1.Research on Sexuality Education and Teaching for Adults with Intellectual Disability;上海市成年智障人士性教育教学研究 2.Reflection on Rehabilitation and Training Service for...
There has been considerable recent interest in the health and associated socio-economic inequalities faced by adults with learning disabilities. A serious and so far under-reported aspect of this is homelessness. This study sought to determine the prevalence of intellectual disability in a homeless po...
Intellectual disability is prevalent in many people today, children and adults alike. In this lesson, learn to define intellectual disability with...
A complex form of aggression, commonly expanded as 'aggressive challenging behaviour', is reported in one in four adults with intellectual disability and is often treated with antipsychotics, mood stabilizers and antidepressants. Psychological treatments, including anger and behavioural management, person-ce...
Curryer B, Stancliffe RJ and Dew A (2015) Self determination: adults with intellectual disability and their family. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability 40: 394-399.Curryer, B., Stancliffe, R. J. y Dew, A. (2015). Self-determination: Adults with intellectual disability and ...
Interactions between adults with profound intellectual disability and staff. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability, 17(4), 377-389.J A Clegg, P J Standen and J J Cromby (1991), Interactions between adults with profound intellectual disability and staff, Australia and New Zealand ...
Eleven young adults with an intellectual disability were interviewed for this exploratory study aimed at charting their experiences of growing up in homes where at least one parent had the same or a similar disability. Two main themes emerged from the interviews. Firstly, a clear majority of the...
Both genetic and acquired factors contribute to the onset of intellectual disability (ID), and people with ID are presumed to be at a higher risk of developing dementia. It is also understood that a lower cognitive reserve–thinking ability gained via le