Finally, the authors conclude that we are facing a paradigm shift that will mean a deep review of the legal theories, concepts and categories on which the Law is based until now.Masbernat, PatricioPasquino, VincenzoEducation & Law Review / Revista de Educación y Derecho...
Azure AI Document Intelligence / Form Recognizer es un componente del servicio de Azure AI basado en la nube que usa el aprendizaje automático para extraer pares clave-valor, texto, tablas y datos clave de documentos. Puede integrar fácilmente modelos de procesamiento de documentos en ...
Si ya existe un comentario, aparece en el panel derecho de la pestaña Información general o debajo del nombre del objeto. Si no lo ha generado la IA, haga clic en el icono de edición para editarlo.Puede usar le versión básica de Markdown para aplicar estilo a los comentarios en la...
ARTIFICIAL intelligenceEVIDENCE gapsThe article titled "Law and Artificial Intelligence" presents a series of challenges and opportunities that artificial intelligence (AI) has brought in recent years. It discusses how AI has modified various areas of human activity and how its misuse can have ...
In this monograph, attention is centred on the applications of artificial intelligence in public administration, and the legal risks that this involves are identified.Cerrillo i Martínez, AgustíIDP: Revista de Internet, Derecho y Politica
The document provides a list of bibliographic references related to the topic of artificial intelligence and copyright.Andrés Aucejo, EvaRamón, FranciscaEducation & Law Review / Revista de Educación y Derecho
Si ya existe un comentario, aparece en el panel derecho de la pestaña Información general o debajo del nombre del objeto. Si no lo ha generado la IA, haga clic en el icono de edición para editarlo.Puede usar le versión básica de Markdown para aplicar estilo a los comentarios en la...
ARTIFICIAL intelligenceAutomatic natural language processing and, in particular, machine translation offer an enormous potential for Spanish and other languages spoken in Spain. For the last decade, public authorities have set policy objectives in artificial intelligence (AI) and la...
ARTIFICIAL intelligenceThis paper focuses on the ethics of AI and the principles behind it. Prior to the rules governing AI, it is necessary to understand the ethical issues related to the development, implementation and responsible use of AI systems. These ethical foundations a...
Derecho internacional privado e inteligencia artificial: algunos retos e incertidumbres para el transporte en el siglo XXIdoi:10.24197/st.Extra_2.2021.17-36EUROPEAN UnionFOREIGN trade regulationGOVERNMENT report writingTRANSPORTATION industryARTIFICIAL intelligence...