在本人最近对Intel官方的XTU软件的使用过程中,在遵照中文世界对Turbo Boost Power Time Window(简称为PL1 Time)的通行理解,即所谓的“真男人时间”时,发现这种理解并不正确。在此我把疑问提出来,求教于各位。XTU对这个设置项的说明是:The Time window over which the average CPU core power must be below the ...
在XTU中,Turbo Boost Power Max指的是PL1,而Turbo Boost Short Power Max指的是PL2,Turbo Boost Power Time Window指的是PL2时间。如下图所示。注意:一切PL1和PL2以XTU中的值为准,AIDA64(下图)中的值具有误导性,混淆了PL2和PL3、PL4。且该图中的电流亦是错误值。 雨声潇潇 小吧主 14 扩展1:上述错误...
根据观察,小米pro并不是28秒后才会从44W缩到15W,而是在温度瞬间上去几秒时间内就缩水了,有时候甚至都没看到上去就缩水了,连10秒都维持不了。 这个持续时间在XTU里叫turbo boost power time window,我比较喜欢叫它“真男人时间”,看到这个俗称,我觉得我不用解释大家也知道是啥意思了。这个时间如果过短,就像是xx...
Just downloaded Intel XTU today, I noticed that the turbo boost power time window is set to default 0.25 second,is it too short? I want to increase the time but the PC will restart and automatically enter BIOS, saying that boot failure detected BIOS has been reset. I am using ...
1) None of the turbo boost power settings are being respected. Turbo boost time window is not being respected. The only thing limiting ANYTHING are the core ratios, and the processor current setting. 2) In a sign of what I can only say indicates the best QA testing possible in the ...
这个持续时间在XTU里叫turbo boost power time window,我比较喜欢叫它“真男人时间”,看到这个俗称,我觉得我不用解释大家也知道是啥意思了。这个时间如果过短,就像是xx早泄一样,性能上不去是必然的。 3D11的物理分战66低于小米pro是因为战66只有单通道内存,内存和CPU的性能关系上期科普已经讲过,感觉战66如果是双...
Intel®Turbo Boost 2.0 Yes Yes Intel®Turbo Boost Max No No Intel®Speedshift™ Yes Yes Per core p-states Yes Yes Last Level Cache (LLC) Up to 12M Up to 8M *The table lists the announced performance features of the first 11thgeneration Intel Core U Series mobile processors to be...
Intel®Turbo Boost 2.0 Yes Yes Intel®Turbo Boost Max No No Intel®Speedshift™ Yes Yes Per core p-states Yes Yes Last Level Cache (LLC) Up to 12M Up to 8M *The table lists the announced performance features of the first 11thgeneration Intel Core U Series mobile processors to be...
Turbo Boost Power Maxis a longer-term boost setting that you should also enable. Turbo Boost Power Time Windowdetermines how long the Turbo Boost will last for, and you should either leave it at default or increase it to however high you can. ...
这个持续时间在XTU里叫turbo boost power time window,俗称“真男人时间”。这个时间如果过短,就像是xx早泄一样,性能上不去是必然的。 过了“真男人时间”后,PL1限制开始介入,这时CPU频率会进一步下降,使功耗不大于PL1的设定值。PL1限制一直持续到高负载状态结束。