TensorFlow, PyTorch, and Caffe). Results for Intel® Xeon® W-3300 processors have been estimated based on measured data comparing dual-socket Intel® Xeon® Platinum 8280 processor using 8-bit integer operations
支持CPU类型 第三代英特尔至强®可扩展处理器、英特尔®®至强® W-3300 处理器 主板架构 E-ATX 最大内存容量 4TBGB 内存类型 ECC DDR4 LRDIMM (3DS), RDIMM (3DS) 发票 可开具 板载网卡 有 内存容量 16 个内存插槽 核心 多达40 个内核 PCIe 4 PCIe 4.0 x16, 3 个 PCIe 4.0 x8(在...
1Intel Xeon W-3300 CPU: 8 channels, 4TB (2DPC) vs. Intel Xeon W-3200 CPU: 6 channels 1.5TB (2DPC) 2Intel Xeon W-3300 CPU: 8 channels 3200 MT/s (2DPC) vs. Intel Xeon W-3200 CPU: 6 channels 2666 MT/s (2DPC) 3Based on Cinebench R23 Multi-Threaded (MT) score results on...
根据外媒《Wccftech》的最新报导,Intel(英特尔)工作站平台专用的Xeon系列采用10nm制程的第十代(Ice Lake)W-3300系列曝光,最高型号具备38核心、76超执行绪、57MB快取记忆体以及4.0时脉。 据了解,Intel 第十代Xeon 系列将采用10nm 改进制程,目标对准AMD(超微)的Threadripper Pro 处理器系列,由于制程改进,将能增加性能...
Xeon W-3400的前身可以看成是Xeon W-3200和3300系列,不过之前两代规格上与2、3代Xeon SP CPU较为接近,PCIe lane只有64条,如果全部用于连接4个GPU也比较勉强。所以我们看到苹果Mac Pro采用了下面的显卡设计: 基于Xeon W-3200的Mac Pro工作站用2块双芯AMD显卡实现了4 GPU,每块显卡上可以看到一颗PCIe Switch。由...
随着两家桌面主流处理器的核心数量越来越多,主板扩展性能也越来越强,传统意义上的HEDT平台已经没太大意义,但对于工作站来说还是有需求的,所以AMD的新一代锐龙Threadripper目前只有工作站用的Pro系列处理器的消息,而新一代Core-X则完全没有消息,面向工作站采用Ice Lake-SP的Xeon W-3300倒是在2021年年中就发布...
Apple might be using Intel's next-gen Xeon W-3300 Ice Lake CPUs to power their brand new Mac Pro coming this year. The rumor comes from YuuKi_AnS who has been providing insights on the Intel Xeon families for workstations and servers for a while now and has been quite accura...
Intel’s® latest Xeon® W-3300 processors for workstations feature improved, and much anticipated, Ice Lake 10nm architecture that provides greater benefits than the previous 14nm offerings. However, all that would be in vain without a solid foundation. GIGABYTE’s latest LGA 4189 server-gra...
Looking at the 32-core CPUs, the Threadripper PRO 5975WX pulls out a 16% improvement over the Threadripper PRO 3975WX. Compared to the Intel Xeon W-3365, the new Threadripper is 34% faster than the Intel with the same core count. ...
Compared to their main competition from Intel – the Xeon W-3300 line – the 5000WX series also maintains a strong lead. Overall, the 5000WX series is about 10-20% faster than the Xeon W-3300 processors, in large part due to a 20-40% increase in export performance. However, they also...