为英特尔®处理器定义的技术 以下适用于英特尔®移动式和台式机处理器的技术可提供多种用途。单击每个项目以阅读更多关于其用途的内容,并查找额外资源以获得支持。 这是一个全面的列表,并非所有处理器家族都包含所有技术。要查看您的产品是否包含特定技术,请访问产品信息页面。 全部展开 单击或主题以展开内容: 英特尔...
Intel® Xeon® Gold 5515+ 處理器 Q4'2384.1 GHz3.2 GHz22.5 MB165 W Intel® Xeon® Gold 5520+ 處理器 Q4'23284 GHz2.2 GHz52.5 MB205 W Intel® Xeon® Gold 6526Y 處理器 Q4'23163.9 GHz2.8 GHz37.5 MB195 W Intel® Xeon® Gold 6530 處理器 ...
Intel® Xeon® Gold 6314U 處理器 Q2'21323.40 GHz2.30 GHz48 MB205 W Intel® Xeon® Gold 6326 處理器 Q2'21163.50 GHz2.90 GHz24 MB185 W Intel® Xeon® Gold 6330 處理器 Q2'21283.10 GHz2.00 GHz42 MB205 W Intel® Xeon® Gold 6330N 處理器 ...
Within their generation, Bronze 3100 processors stand out for offering affordable entry-level performance and hardware-enhanced security. They support up to 2 CPU sockets and up to 8 cores per processor.Intel® Xeon® Bronze 3104 Intel® Xeon® Bronze 3106...
Intel® Xeon® Scalable processor family delivers unparalleled scale and performance for compute, storage, memory, network, and security.
and we assume there isn't going to be any deviation here. Pricing on some of the processors has been generationally consistent as well: a 65W processor and its 35W variant has historically been the same list price. For caches, we know that the i7 parts have 12MB of L3, the ...
对标米兰,出来时热那亚都来了 发布会只敢跟上一代Xeon比,拉垮成这样
processor called the x86 series, also known as Pentium. Then, it introduced the Xeon line of server processors in 1998. Core processors came along in 2006, replacing the Pentium line. Out of all of Intel’s products, this article will focus on a single aspect, the Xeon processor list. ...
Long await ICELAKE SP the first 10+nm XEON SCALABLE PROCESSOR release.https://www.intel.com/content/dam/www/public/us/en/documents/product-briefs/3rd-gen-xeon-scalable-pr...Maybe we had LGA 2066 series of Core-X based on 10+nm on May or June 2021.The Core count at these...
With this new generation, Intel’s offering is aimed to be two-fold: first, the generational uplift compared to 2nd Gen, but also the narrative around selling a solution rather than simply selling a processor. Intel’s messaging with its new Ice Lake Xeon Scalable (ICX or ICL-SP) steers ...