Intel® Xeon® Processor E5 Family product listing with links to detailed product features and specifications.
The new Intel® Xeon® processor E5-2600 v3 product family helps IT address the growing demands placed on infrastructure, from supporting business growth to enabling new services faster, delivering new applications in the enterprise, technical computing, communications, storage, and cloud. This new...
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2690 (20M Cache, 2.90 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI) quick reference with specifications, features, and technologies.
Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-2680 v4 (35M Cache, 2.40 GHz) quick reference with specifications, features, and technologies.
下一代英特尔至强E5系列处理器产品将在2012年第一季度推出,相比目前至强Westmere处理器提供更强大的性能,最大支持8核心,16线程技术,三级缓存更是达到20MB,同时提供AVX强大指令集功能,功耗也很好控制在企业应用的一定范围内。Intel® Xeon® Processor E5-4650L(20M Cache, 2.60 GHz, 8.00 GT/s Intel® QPI)...
2. Introduction The Intel Xeon processor E5-2600 V2 product family is based on Ivy Bridge EP microarchitecture, an enhanced version of the Sandy Bridge EP microarchitecture ( family-technical-overview...
Hi, I have the following queries : 1) There is no mention as regard's to E5 family Integrated Memory Controller's a) Address mapping scheme i.e. DRAM
Intel昨晚正式发布Xeon Scalable处理器家族,平台代号Skylake-SP,划分为四档,铜、银、金、铂金,这也难怪被PCworld调戏为“信用卡之家”。 其实上周,已经有人从Intel的产品变化通知单中见到了它们,现在是正式公开。 所谓的Xeon Scalable(可伸缩、可扩展)也就是取代此前的Xeon E/EP/EX,主要是E5/E7这些多路产品,目...
Intel Unleashes Xeon E5 Family of Server Chips.The article offers brief information on the Xeon E5-2600 family of processors from Intel Corp.PoeterDamonPC Magazine