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Intel® Xeon® Gold 5118 Processor (16.5M Cache, 2.30 GHz) quick reference with specifications, features, and technologies.
Intel® Xeon® Gold 5118 Processor (16.5M Cache, 2.30 GHz) - Support product information, featured content and more.
Intel Xeon Gold 5118参数页面提供真实的Intel Xeon Gold 5118配置、功能、规格以及性能参数信息,方便您快速高效的了解Intel Xeon Gold 5118。
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Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors Intel® Xeon® Platinum Processor 8153, 8156, 8158, 8160, 8160F, 8160M, 8160T, 8164, 8168, 8170, 8170M, 8176, 8176F, 8176M, 8180, 8180M Intel® Xeon® Gold Processor 5115, 5118, 5119T, 5120, 5120T, 5122, 6126, 6126F, 6126T, 6128, ...
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Intel® Xeon® Scalable Processors Intel® Xeon® Platinum Processor 8153, 8156, 8158, 8160, 8160F, 8160M, 8160T, 8164, 8168, 8170, 8170M, 8176, 8176F, 8176M, 8180, 8180M Intel® Xeon® Gold Processor 5115, 5118, 5119T, 5120, 5120T, 5122, 6126, 6126F, 6126T, 6128,...
2 x 10 Core Intel Xeon Silver 4114 V5 (2.20 GHz) DDR4 RAM (128 GB) 2 x 600GB SAS System Disk RAID1 + 12 x 1.8TB SAS 2 x 2-port 10GE physical.d2.large 2 x 12 Core Intel Xeon Gold 5118 V5 (2.30 GHz) DDR4 RAM (192 GB) 2 x 600GB SAS System Disk RAID1 + 12 x 10TB...