X710-DA4 linux driver i40e aborts with 'bar size 0x0 too small' Subscribe More actions TimGruene Beginner 06-20-2022 04:10 AM 4,849 Views Hello everyone, I equipped an ASUS Pro WS WRX80E-SAGE mainboard with the X710-DA4 converged network ...
该指南着眼于可能带来网络性能提升的硬件、驱动和操作系统环境和设置等方面。值得注意的是,网络性能会受到任何外界因素的影响,该指南只涉及那些最普遍和影响最显著的部分。 2.0 预先检查项 2.1 升级Driver/Firmware版本 使用命令“ethtool -i ethX”检查driver/firmware版本。 2.2 参考驱动中的README 检查有哪些已知问题...
I am observing driver probe failure for a couple of X710 NICs on Linux. When they are connected to a Windows PC, they work fine. But on Linux, the interfaces don't come up due to probe failure as seen in dmesg:sh-5.1# dmesg | grep -i i40e...
现在最新的版本是i40e-2.22.18.tar.gz,此驱动程序支持内核版本 2.6.32 及更高版本。 下载地址:https://www.intel.cn/content/www/cn/zh/download/18026/intel-network-adapter-driver-for-pcie-40-gigabit-ethernet-network-connections-under-linux.html?wapkw=Intel(R)%20Ethernet%20Controller%20X710 #解压 ...
x64文件夹,以及, Release_29.3.1\APPS\BootUtil\Linux_x64\ 的bootutil64e、\DRIVER复制到X710-...
华硕Pro WS W790E-SAGE SE 板载10G网卡Linux驱动(Intel X710) 主板网口名:Intel X710-AT2 Daul 10G Centos7.6系统中lspci查出的网口名:Intel Corporation Device 15ff (rev 02) 步骤 1.tar zxf i40e-<x.x.x>.tar.gz 2.cd i40e-<x.x.x>/src/ ...
Intel x710 获取最新驱动 官方地址:https://downloadcenter.intel.com/zh-cn/product/83967/Intel-Ethernet-Converged-Network-Adapter-XL710-QDA2 安装 官方文档:https://downloadmirror.intel.com/24411/eng/README.txt 依赖包: yum install kernel-devel -y ...
英特尔X710、V710、XL710、XXV710、E810系列网卡虚拟功能驱动,适用于Linux系统。 具体支持的产品型号如下: Intel Ethernet Controller X710-AT2 Intel Ethernet Controller X710-TM4 Intel Ethernet Controller XXV710-AM1 Intel Ethernet Controller XXV710-AM2 ...
Due to the continuous development of the Linux kernel, the drivers are updated more often than the bundled releases. The latest driver can be found on http://e1000.sourceforge.net (and also on http://downloadcenter.intel.com). This release include...
英特尔X710、V710、XL710、XXV710、X722系列PCI-E万兆网卡驱动,适用于Linux系统。 具体支持的产品型号如下: Intel Ethernet Network Adapter X722-DA4 Intel Ethernet Network Adapter X722-DA2 Intel Ethernet Controller X710-AT2 Intel Ethernet Controller X710-TM4 ...