当你遇到“virtualized intel vt-x/ept is not supported on this platform”的错误时,这通常意味着你的系统不支持或未启用Intel VT-x和EPT(扩展页表)虚拟化技术。以下是一些可能的解决步骤: 确认问题原因: 这个错误通常发生在尝试运行需要硬件虚拟化支持的虚拟机或仿真软件时,如Oracle VM VirtualBox、VMware等。
After doing all setup tasks to ensure, the Labs VM might run I started the VM but I got the message "Virtualized Intel VT-x/EPT is not supported on this platform...". Threrefore I can't run my VM. I checked, whether my machine supports Intel VT-x/EPT and ...
报错问题: 解决方案: 1、cmd以管理员的身份运行bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off 2、关闭内核隔离
开启虚拟化选项后,虚拟机出现“此平台不支持虚拟化的 Intel VT-x/EPT”的提示时,可以尝试以下步骤解决问题。首先,检查任务管理器中的CPU使用情况,确保任务管理器正常运行。其次,关闭hyper-V、Windows虚拟机监控程序平台和虚拟机平台。可以前往控制面板,选择“程序”,点击“启用或关闭windows功能”,找...
I installed VMware Workstation 16.2x on a new Windows 11 Laptop. Intel VT-x/VT-d/TXT/DEP are enabled. Hyper-V is not installed. Booting up a VM that requires nested VMs (Cisco modeling labs and EVE-NG) gives an error that "Virtualized Intel VT-x/EPT is not supported on this platfo...
The other day I was trying to install Proxmox in VMware workstation, which requires me to do nested virtualisation, and all of the sudden at the start of the installation, I got an error ‘Virtualized Intel VT-x/EPT is not supported on this platform. Continue without virtualized Intel VT-...
Please help and advice for this issue "Virtualized Intel VT-x/EPT is not supported on this platform." and "VMware Workstation does not support nested virtualization on this host. Module 'HV' power on failed. Failed to start the virtual machine." with ...
开启此选项之后虚拟机出现如标题所示的提示. 确保任务管理器虚拟化已开启 任务管理器->性能->CPU中查看 2. 关闭hyper-V,Windows虚拟机监控程序平台,虚拟机平台. 控制面板->程序->启用或关闭windows功能 3.以管理员身份运行CMD bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off ...
1. 您的计算机的BIOS设置没有使能VT-x/EPT功能。在您的计算机启动时按下F1、F2、F10、Del等键进入...
提示此平台不支持虚拟化的Intel VT-x/EPT. 不使用虚拟化的Intel VT-x/EPT,是否继续? 1.首先去任务管理器看看虚拟化是否开启(未开启需要在BIOS中开启,再执行一下步骤) 并在服务中关闭以下服务 2.接着去Windows功能,关闭Windows虚拟机监控程序平台功能和虚拟机平台功能(需要重启电脑生效) ...