最后使用Benchmark对计算机进行专业的性能测试的软件,包括CPU、显卡、硬盘、内存等等各个配件的测试,可以看的出来同样的互有胜负,如果单从跑分上来看,我个人建议入手i7 14700KF平台,毕竟intel的性能及稳定性,还有兼容性及DIY可玩性都会更好。当然跑分并不代表一切,我也模拟一下实际用户用当下流行的游戏测试一下...
Adobe的PR测试,这个也算主流生产力,剔除了超多核的撕裂者,我们不难看出,旗舰cpu的性价比一般。 就纯粹的游戏来说,AMD的3D处理器玩3A表现不错,但我觉得还是那句话,旗舰处理器玩游戏性价比也很低,7800X-3D表现还可以,但性价比结果还是5800X-3D最佳,综合价格来说。 这里是抛开了显卡,我觉得玩3A,堆显卡是最优...
总体而言,Intel酷睿i5 12490F和AMD锐龙5 7500F都是不错的入门级高性能CPU,因此,适用人群也可以说是相当广泛,从上文的对比中也可以看得出,这两款CPU的性能也算是有来有回,各有所长。不过如果要我推荐的话,我可能会更倾向于Intel酷睿i5 12490F,因为在两款CPU性能相近的情况下,Intel酷睿i5 12490F的单价...
AMD 锐龙 7 9700X VS 英特尔 i7 13700KF 相较于 9600X,9700X 在性能上有所提升,但仍未完全超越英特尔的高端产品。在综合游戏性能测试中,9700X 的表现接近 i7-13700KF,达到了其 98% 的水平,对 i7-14700KF 也有 97% 的性能。然而,在内容创作领域,9700X 的表现略显乏力,仅为 i7-13700KF 的 92...
The 7000 series marks the arrival of an integrated GPU for all of the mainstream Ryzen processors, a first. AMD designed the RDNA 2 iGPU to provide basic display output capabilities, so you shouldn’t expect it to support any meaningful gaming. The RDNA 2 iGPU has two compute u...
We wade into the endless debate: Who makes the best CPU, AMD or Intel? Here's the blow-by-blow in ten categories.
AMD and Intel dominate the CPU market. Intel leads in overall performance and value. AMD excels in power efficiency and specialized gaming CPUs. Both offer a wide range of options for different needs and budgets. In 2024, AMD announced a series of next-gen products: AMD Ryzen AI 300 Serie...
3、CPU与主板 板U套装要比单独买CPU和主板划算不少。锐龙5 7500F + 技嘉B650 GAMING WIFI套装价格为1799元,i5-14600K+技嘉B760M GAMING WIFI套装则是3369元,比AMD套装贵了1600元左右。 4、内存 我们测试平台i9-14900K搭配的就是七彩虹CVN DDR5 6600 C34 32GB套条,在此推荐给大家。考虑到AMD平台上不了也...
Buying a processor for a gaming rig is both easier and harder than it used to be. AMD’sRyzen 7000-seriesand Intel’s13th-gen Core CPUsoffer fantastic performance—especially now that the battle between the two companies has become all-out war. If you want hearty performance, then the fas...