在性能表现方面,Inter UHD Graphics 630相对于前代产品而言有了很大的提升。 对于一些低要求的游戏和日常的办公使用,Inter UHD Graphics 630表现良好,游戏稳定运行无卡顿情况发生。当然在一些要求比较高的游戏上,Inter UHD Graphics 630无法很好地支持,用户需要再购买专业显卡。对于一些图形和影像处理的应用,Inter UHD G...
When I check Task Manager, it shows that dwm.exe or zoom.exe is using more than 50% GPU (Intel 630 only, I have 2 GPUs: Intel UHD Graphics 630 and NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650) Changing dwm.exe default graphic is impossible, since its disabled on the NVIDIA Control Panel. Oh, and if ...
I have a problem with Intel UHD Graphics 630 and HDR. Configuration:Intel Core i7-10700K.Asus TUF Gaming H470-PRO motherboard (Wi-Fi)BIOS 2210Windows 10 Home 20H2 (19042.928)TV Samsung 75TU7100 connected via HDMI-to-HDMI Cable v2.0 All drivers are the latest. There is no way to enabl...
今天(2018-10-13)周六,上午拿到了在苹果官网定制的MacBookPro 15寸。打开电脑先检查配置:发现CPU、内存、硬盘存储大小都和定制的一样,唯独显卡不一样:本人在订单中:Radeon Pro 560X,然而拿到的电脑中显示的:Intel UHD Graphics 630 1536 MB。 实际拿到的电脑的显卡 ...
I have to buy a desktop and I want to know if Photoshop 2017 is compatible with Intel UHD Graphics 630? So, does photoshop work with this on board graphic cardViews 8.9K Translate Translate Report Report Reply Sorry, unable to complete the action you requested. ...
Intel UHD Graphics 630 georget46370802 New Here , Feb 24, 2019 Copy link to clipboard I have to buy a desktop and I want to know if Photoshop 2017 is compatible with Intel UHD Graphics 630? So, does photoshop work with this on board graphic cardViews...
Every driver has been installed except Intel driver . I even download the graphic driver but it says you don't have the minimum requirement . The intel graphic an amd graphic both work on macOS but the Intel one Doesn't work on Windows10 ....