【入门向教程】使用I..XTU,全称Extreme Tuning Utility,是Intel官方的一款性能控制软件,可以带来免费的cpu性能提升本文旨在帮助小白理解xtu的用法,尽量简单易懂的讲解,只要你愿意稍微花点时间学
英特尔® Extreme Tuning Utility 超频 (Intel® XTU) 英特尔® 至尊调试实用程序(英特尔® XTU)使超频变得轻松。想要用这款 CPU 超频软件实现稳定超频,以下是您需要了解的内容。1 超频是一种切实可行的的方法,能更充分地利用 CPU(中央处理单元)。 过程中需要小心地将 CPU 的频率提升至最高,并通过电压调节...
The Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility (Intel® XTU) is used to overclock, monitor, and stress a system. This application is supported with unlocked processors (K- and X-series) only. Refer to “This download is valid for the product(s) listed below” se
All Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility versions require a chipset that supports full overclocking (IA, BCLK, Memory), such as "Z" Chipset (Z890, Z790, Z690, etc.). Purpose Intel XTU is a Windows*-based performance-tuning software that enables novice and experienced enthusiasts to overclock, ...
Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility 使用手册 1 Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility (Intel XTU) 是一个简易的超频软件,可供�调整�测试�� 监��的�统� 优��制 监看 设置 说明 导览�单 �统报表 �统图表 �统监� y 监看�设置�说明 ...
La Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility (Intel® XTU) se utiliza para hacer overclocking, monitorear y estresar un sistema. Esta aplicación es compatible únicamente con procesadores desbloqueados (series K y X). Consulte la sección "Esta descarga es válida para los productos enumerados a conti...
Overclocking in Windows Using Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility (Intel® XTU) For a long time, overclocking was done manually through the BIOS, the basic input output system that loads the operating system. While you can still overclock using this method, Intel has streamlined the process by off...
The Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility (Intel® XTU) is used to overclock, monitor, and stress a system. This application is supported with unlocked processors (K- and X-series) only. Refer to “This download is valid for the product(s) listed below” se
The Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility (Intel® XTU) is used to overclock, monitor, and stress a system. This application is supported with unlocked processors (K- and X-series) only. Refer to “This download is valid for the product(s) listed below” se
Intel Extreme Tuning Utility是一款专业的英特尔的超频软件工具,软件可以帮助用户对硬件设备进行超频包括CPU和显卡等。非常方便快捷,软件界面简约,布局直观清晰。操作简单,容易上手,是一款十分实用的工具。 功能介绍 对于硬件超频,主要有CPU超频和显卡超频,这些对于硬件发烧友来说一定不陌生,而且也会列举出一些超频方法...