据悉Intel 320 SSD曾在意外断电时,设备不能够正常停止,而是重新连接SATA接口,导致硬盘数据丢失,而容量也仅仅只剩下8MB。 此下载文件为ISO镜像,用户需下载后刻录至光盘,然后从光盘启动即可刷新固件,注意刷新固件前先将SSD内数据精心备份,以免发生数据丢失。 升级固件下载地址:Intel 320 SSD Firmware■...
早前曾傳出 Intel SSD 320 系列固態硬碟出現技術缺陷,有機會導致 SSD 剩餘容量只有 8MB 的情況。引述外電消息指出, Intel 已就事件作出確認,表示目前已知悉事件,並會在獲得更多資詢後提供更新。 據了解,早前有部份用家指出採用 Intel SSD 320 系列 SSD 產品,在關機後再次啟動,當 SATA 電壓開始下滑時,在第二...
“Be wary of the new Intel SSD 320 series. Currently, there''s a bug in the controller that can cause the device to revert to 8MB during a power failure. AFAIK they have not yet publicly announced it, and won''t have a firmware fix ready for release until the end of July.” 迄今...
The SSD 320 was released in March and is being used in both PCs and Apple Mac computers. The SSDs comes in capacities ranging from 40GB to 600GB. The firmware upgrade can also be applied to Intel’s X25-M, X18-M, X25-E SSDs made using the 50-nanometer and 34-nm processes, and ...
Intel® Optane™ SSD P1600X Series (58GB, M.2 80mm PCIe 3.0 x4, 3D XPoint™) - Support product information, featured content and more.
Bản ghi tải xuống này cài đặt phiên bản 4.1 của Intel® SSD Firmware Update Tool.Các bản tải xuống sẵn có Tải xuống Intel_SSD_FUT_4.1.248.zip OS Independent Kích thước: 69.5 MB SHA256: F07A3937D0ABD9288D7F56A0137338D32...
Configurazione del test: Intel® Core™ i5-1340P, 16 GB di RAM DDR5, pannello IPS 1W, SSD da 512 GB*2. Impostazioni del test: WiFi abilitato, luminosità del display impostata a 110 nit, NumberPad disattivato. La durata effettiva della batteria può variare a seconda della ...
檢查該型號 SSD 的相容性 適用品牌 Ideapad Lenovo 作業系統 Windows 10 解決方案 1.訪問 Lenovo支援網站以下載相對應的文件並點擊BIOS/UEFI. 2. 找到Intel Management Engine並點擊箭頭 (⋎),如下圖所示 3. 繼續下載 4. 運行下載的 .e...
The Intel® SSD Firmware Update Tool provides the firmware update capabilities for the Intel® Optane™ Memory and Intel® Optane™ Solid State Drives listed in Release Notes. The tool comes in the form of an ISO image and requires either a completely empty USB drive or a blank CD ...