Intel Solid-State Drive Toolbox是一款非常不错的固态硬盘检测软件,主要功能是用于检测固态硬盘的:型号、固件版本、序列号、驱动器详细信息、驱动器容量、驱动器健康状况、预计剩余寿命、SMART 详细信息。除了检测之外还能够对硬盘进行诊断扫描,固件更新,系统调整期器等等,是一款非常不错的固态硬盘检测软件。
Intel® Solid-State Drive Toolbox with Intel® SSD Optimizer Enables Users to Maximize SSD Performance over Time SANTA CLARA, Calif., Oct. 26, 2009 – On the heels of the Microsoft* Windows* 7 introduction, Intel Corporation today announced the availability of the Intel® Solid-State Driv...
IntelSolid-StateDriveToolbox中文版是一款非常好用的固态硬盘检测软件,这款软件能够帮助用户对硬盘进行检测,有需要的朋友可以下载使用哦。软件功能05:Re-a 大小:74.5M 应用介绍 Intel Solid-State Drive Toolbox中文版是一款非常好用的固态硬盘检测软件,这款软件能够帮助用户对硬盘进行检测,有需要的朋友可以下载使用哦...
Intel Solid-State Drive Toolbox中文版 1/1
Intel® Solid-State Drive Toolbox: Questions and Answers Question 10: Does Intel SSD Optimizer (Trim support) work with Intel® Rapid Storage Technology? Answer 10: The Intel® Rapid Storage Technology (Intel® RST) driver version 9.6 or later supports Trim ...
The Intel Solid State Drive Toolbox (Intel SSD Toolbox) is drive management software that allows you to view current drive information for Intel SSDs, including: Model number, capacity and firmware version. Intel SSD Toolbox also provides further information about the hardware of the solid state...
—Intel英特尔Solid-State Drive DC S3700 Intel SSD Toolbox主要功能 增强Intel SSD管理,包括SSD性能优化,系统设置、调校以及安全擦除数据。 汇总并分析硬盘识别信息 SMART属性查看 SSD硬盘诊断扫描,检测任何可能发生的读写错误 Intel SSD Toolbox软件特色
The Intel Solid State Drive Toolbox (Intel SSD Toolbox) is drive management software that allows you to view current drive information for Intel SSDs, including: Model number, capacity and firmware version. Intel SSD Toolbox also provides further information about the hardware of the solid state...
Intel固态驱动器工具箱中文版是一款优秀的固态硬盘检测工具,使用这款Intel Solid-State Drive Toolbox(Intel固态驱动器工具箱)可以让你有效的测试自己的固态硬盘寿命和性能。 Intel固态驱动器工具箱软件特色 1、“05:Re-allocated Sector Count”:重映射扇区数量。闪存本身有一定的使用寿命(即写入次数),厂商在制造SSD的...
•Microsoft .NET Frameworkv2.0或v3.0控件支持,可以到公司内网\\下载安装Framework v3.0控件后,再安装Intel@ Solid-State Drive Toolbox软件 版本要求: •Intel_SSD_Toolbox-v3.0.3 date:2012/04/19 安装步骤: 1、双击Intel_SSD_Toolbox-v3.0.2.EXE,会弹出选择安装语言窗口,如下图: 2、点击...