Intel(R) SGX Windows latest release, including SDK, PSW, and driver (Note: Perl, NASM need to be included in machine's PATH variable) To build Intel® SGX SSL package in Windows OS: Download OpenSSL package into openssl_source/ directory. (tar.gz package, e.g. openssl-3.1.*.tar.gz...
Got the following error when building intel-sgx-ssl ( Info: Please make sure Intel® Software Guard Extensions
Build SGX SSL in Linux first, and go to the fuzz/: make clean for i in $(ls *_fuzz.c); do make FUZZER=`echo $i | awk '{print substr($0, 1, length($0)-2)}'`; done Run one of the fuzzers: rm -rf $FUZZER\_out mkdir $FUZZER\_out afl-fuzz -i corpora//$FUZZER -o ...
近日,受疫情原因,转移到线上举办的ASPLOS 2020公布了计算机领域最新研究成果,其中就包括了百度安全提交的论文《COINAttacks: On Insecurity of Enclave Untrusted Interfaces in SGX》,论文阐述了存在一种Intel SGX Enclave的软件接口风险,并提出了一组针对Intel SGX软件的新型攻击– COIN Attacks。 尽管Intel SGX 提供了...
此仓库是为了提升国内下载速度的镜像仓库,每日同步一次。 原始仓库: main 克隆/下载 git config --global userName git config --global userEmail 分支13 标签62 贡献代码 同步代码 Juan del CuvilloLet "make clean" be ignored silently if th....
Modern data centers built upon silicon-based trusted infrastructure are better able to consolidate servers, allow distributed virtualization, and support both private and hybrid clouds. In the data center,Intel® Software Guard Extensions (Intel® SGX)helps protect application integrity and data confid...
英特尔® 软件防护扩展(英特尔® SGX)是目前市场上研究、更新和部署最多的数据中心保密计算技术,是...
/home/abc/intel-sgx-ssl-master/sgxssl. In function `sgxssl_gai_strerror': /home/abc/intel-sgx-ssl-master/sgx/libsgx_tsgxssl/tsocket.cpp:218: undefined reference to `strerror' /home/agc/intel-sgx-ssl-master/sgxssl.
Intel SGX 是資料中心最廣為研究和更新最多的可信執行環境 (TEE),在系統內提供最小的攻擊面。Intel Xeon可擴充處理器的此項功能,為跨多個雲端與邊緣的機密運算解決方案提供所需的要素。 Intel SGX 提供硬體式安全解決方案,透過獨特的應用程式隔離技術,協助保護使用中的資料。開發人員可以透過保護選定的程式碼和資料...
Weiser, S., Spreitzer, R., Bodner, L.: Single trace attack against RSA key genera- tion in Intel SGX SSL. In: Kim, J., Ahn, G., Kim, S., Kim, Y., Lopez, J., Kim, T. (eds.) Proceedings of the 2018 on Asia Conference on Computer and Communica- tions Security, AsiaCCS ...