Intel Corporation Careers Intel Corporation Jobs Search No Recent Jobs found for Intel Corporation on Comparably Mark that you are interested and we will alert you when there are new positions available listed on Comparably I'm Interested H1B Visa In 2019, Intel Corporation applied for 1547 H1B vi...
Intel and UC San Diego have been selected for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Hardening Development Toolchains Against Emergent Execution Engines program. Intel and Penn Medicine Announce Results of Largest Medical Federated Learning Study Joint study using privacy-preserving AI tech...
Diana Vins, University of California, San Diego Diana developed a platform that uses LLMs to describe injuries in images and provide treatments, relevant links, and follow-up options. ProjectIntel Student Ambassador Research Article Read Optimization and Evaluation of Breadth First Search with oneAP...
What’s New:Intel and the University of California, San Diego (UC San Diego) announced today that they have been selected to join theHardening Development Toolchains Against Emergent Execution Engines(HARDEN) program team for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). Adversaries have...
The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) selected Intel and University of California (UC) San Diego to join the Hardening Development Toolchains Against Emergent Execution Engines (HARDEN) program that aims to create practical tools to disrupt complex cyberattacks. ...
At the Optical Fiber Conference in San Diego, Intel demonstrated an advanced optical compute Interconnect (OCI) Chiplet co-packaged with a prototype of a next-generation Intel CPU running live data, giving the industry a look at the future of high-bandwidth compute interconnect. ...
Intel Labs is shaping the next generation of AI by pioneering advancements that will unlock its true potential.
Ryan Kastner, professor, University of California San Diego Develop Register Transfer Level (RTL) Code for Intel® Programmable Acceleration Card Greg Stitt, associate professor, University of Florida Learn How to Perform FPGA Timing Analysis Greg Stitt, associate professor, University of Florida Intel...
February 1, 2023: Intel and UC San Diego Join DARPA Program to Prevent Exploitation of Computing Systems February 6, 2023: The Future of RAN is Virtualized and Open February 7, 2023: Crafting and Testing the Do-Anything Server Chip February 7, 2023: Intel Corp. Prices $11 Billion of Inves...
University of California, San Diego University of Illinois Urbana–Champaign University of Michigan University of Pennsylvania University of Washington The RSA Winners for 2022 Are: Intel’s Rising Star Faculty Award Winners for 2022 (from top row, left): Christopher Brinton, Chaya Ganesh, Xiang ‘...