Hi, I'm having some trouble setting up a Dell 5770 (i7-12800H) with a bootable RAID 0 array under Windows 11. The NVMe SSD drives (Samsung 990 Pro) are managed by RST / VMD ("RAID On" in BIOS), and the Intel Optane & RST app is installed. Installing the OS onto a single dri...
可以在不同的BIOS界面(如Security、Boot)尝试其他的组合键,如果还不行就可能是BIOS不支持这个设置 2023-09-08 回复喜欢 制药工 我的linux可以直接识别RST-VMD的,而且可以直接安装到笔记本的硬盘里面,但是windows11的安装程序就没发识别 2023-05-15 回复喜欢 flanto 作者 应该是你的发行版把INTEL...
Have the flash drive and your Windows installation media plugged into USB ports. Boot from the W10/W11 installation flash drive. When you get to the screen where no drives can be found, click on the Load driver option, browse to the flash drive with the ...
Similarly to what LeonWaksman mentioned, Intel Optane Memory H series is intended to be used alongside the Intel RST driver to pair both portions of the disk, the Storage and Optane (this is like a 2-in-1 drive), and even the motherboard has to be val...
bios configuration i see it has intel rst rst vmd driver. non-raid disk PCIe 1.0 intel SSDPEKNU010TZ 1TB ssd on hp support site there are different version of driver available, which I tried, but didn't work. I am looking for right driver so windows 11 can recogniz...
英特尔 RST驱动程序不支持 Linux。支持的操作系统仅适用于 Windows® 10 64 位和 Windows 11* 64 位。 本指南描述了配置无操作系统系统所需的步骤。 在安装操作系统后不应对描述的 BIOS 进行更改,因为这将导致无法访问启动设备蓝屏。 在贴纸或供应商网站上被注明为英特尔® 傲腾™内存就绪的平台不一定...
https://www.windows.com/stopcode 如果致电支持人员,请向他们提供以下信息: 终止代码: INACCESSIBLE_BOOT_DEVICE 解决方案: 据了解,最新的英特尔第11代处理器(Intel Tiger Lake),该处理器采用最新的Intel VMD(Intel Volume Management Device)技术,需要安装了18.0版本以上的英特尔快速存储技术(Intel RST)驱动才能识别...
The Boot Option setting should be UEFI before proceeding. The Legacy Boot Option will result in failures once the OS is installed with the Intel® RST software. Step 3: Install the Windows* OS Start the Windows OS installation process. Insert the USB key media where the driver files ...
Set the boot order to boot from the USB drive in the BIOS settings. Save the changes and exit the BIOS settings. Follow the on-screen instructions to install Windows 11. Installing System Drivers After you have installed Windows 11, you need to install the system drivers to ensure optimal ...
Q1: How to Install the RAID controller driver during Windows® 10 or Windows® 11 OS installation? A1:Please follow Windows Setup to Install the RAID controller driver during Windows® 10 or Windows® 11 OS installation: Boot the computer using the Windows® 10 or Windows® 11 OS ...