Hi I just did Windows 10 reset for my G751JY laptop and I am trying to install all newest drivers from Asus site. Two drivers cause me - 702121
Interface4代CPU-911 07_CardReader.exe8代CPU-911GT 04_Audio.exeWireless 网卡驱动程序版本:*Windows update and Microsoft hotfix KB3125574 are required for this driver.9代CPU-911Pro 02_IME.exe6代CPU-G17X 12_Bluetooth.exe6代CPU-G155P 02_DiscreteGPU.exe6代CPU-G150T 10_Audio.exeRST...
The Intel® Rapid Storage Technology (Intel® RST) Driver supports the configuration and enabling of multiple features including: System acceleration with Intel® Optane™ memory Configuration and maintenance of RAID 0/1/5/10 Intel...
可用的驅動程序 Intel RST Driver for Windows IoT 10 64-bit (version 21H2) - ThinkEdge SE30 3.797 MB Windows 10 IoT (64-bit) 27 Jan 2022 推薦 Intel RST Driver u1rad93us14lcfc_iot21h2.exe 3.79 MB Windows 10...
10 应该是安装的rst版本不对。拆下固态看看能不能进系统,能进了卸载rst。rst可以略微提高一点磁盘性能...
英特尔快速储存技术(IntelRST).zip,适用于英特尔cpu的电脑 英特尔快速存储技术,即IntelRapid Storage Technology (简称IntelRST)),是一个bai基于 Windows的应用程序。该程序为配备 SATA 磁盘的台式机、移动电脑和服务器平台系统提供更高的性能和可靠性。当使用一个或多个 SATA 磁盘时,您可因性能提高及耗电降低而获益...
The cloud created media fails after starting about where a new windows 10 install stops & asks for a driver. Previous conversation alluded to it being the RST drivers fault. The problem is I can only find an exe installer that I cannot extract the necessary files from...
Previous version installed just fine previously. In fact it is the one mentioned in the log above, I will try to manually uninstall it first and then install the new one, maybe that will help. Translate IntelRST_MSI.zip 0 Kudos Reply All...
The Intel® Rapid Storage Technology (Intel® RST) Driver ( supports the configuration and enabling of system acceleration with Intel® Optane™ Memory and maintenance of RAID 0/1/5/10.Available Downloads Download setuprst.exe Windows 10, 64-bit*, Windows 10, 32-bit*, Win...
装GNU+Linux却看不到或无法安装到内置硬盘(后来发现Windows 10不加载驱动也不行),搞得我当时只能把GNU+Linux装在U盘里,忍受了一个月的龟速运行(U盘传输速度是瓶颈),直到某天开机e2fs error忍无可忍,网上狂搜才发现是Intel在NVME上套了一层Intel Rapid Storage Technology (RST),美其名曰Intel Volume Management...