Currently using my machine with linux(OS Ubuntu 16.04, kernel version 4.15 ), but couldn,t able to find the right driver for wifi. It has the intel
Hello forum friends.I would like to know if any linux users managed to proceed with the network installation using this specific model of wireless card. Because I browsed the site and found no drivers for Linux, more specifically the Debian 10 distribution.Hugs and stay at home Tr...
ipconfig /renew或者说是: 关闭防火墙之类的win7系统笔记本有线连接受限制有黄色感叹号解决方法或者: 最后解决办法:右键我的电脑==》管理==》设备管理器==》网络适配器找到对应的驱动,卸载,然后右键:扫描检测硬件改动,这事系统会自动安装网卡驱动,刷新网络ok! 如下图: ...
然后回来路由器就出问题了,此路由器为了访问国外网站,某宝买的个刷好了的Openwrt固件的,自己刷比较麻... 喜欢的点个star哈 [9.16]【itlwm】1. 合并...
intel ac94..不是硬件问题,是因为mint19基于ubuntu18.04LTS,但是ubuntu18.04自带的硬件内核驱动太旧,不支持intel9462造成的。建议是更换成ubuntu19.10,这个问题就可以解
I had tried about one week investigating how to make them work on macOS, but still found nothing. The real problem is that the card can't cause interrupts on macOS, I don't know why, I think the firmware upload functions are pretty well,...
英特尔(R)迅驰(R)Wireless-N + WiMAX 6150 BG 英特尔(R)迅驰(R)Ultimate-N 6300 AGN MVM第1代(IWM) 7000系列 英特尔(R)双频无线AC 7260 英特尔(R)双频无线N 7260 英特尔(R)无线N 7260 英特尔(R)双频无线AC 3160 英特尔(R)双频无线N 3160
电脑要装以下 Intel 的驱动,很多驱动 Intel 官网上还没有,自动识别那个程序也识别不出来。 Intel Chipset Device Software Intel Management Engine Interface Intel Graphic Intel Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Intel Integrated Sensor Solution Intel Smart Sound Technology Intel NVME Intel Serial IO Intel ...
今天Windows10更新完之后突然不能开启wifi,禁用再重启网卡依旧无效,重装无线驱动也不能解决,在网上找了好久,发现使用Dual BandWireless-AC3165无线网卡的基本都会遇到这个问题,希望能够帮助到大家。 1.打开“设备管理器”(快捷键win+x+m) 2.右键Dual BandWireless-AC3165无线网卡,打开“属性 ...