The Plex is capable of using Quick Sync on other Linux systems, as I've successfully tested hardware transcoding in Ubuntu, Debian as well as OpenMediaVault on the very same device. Could it be that there is some kind of driver missing in DietPi or do I have to manually enable support fo...
了解更多 群晖Docker 安装 Jellyfin 媒体服务器并开启 Intel Quick Sync 提升性能 川叶 2021/07/18 09:06 如何获得硬件加速转码、HDR色调映射的最佳性能? -1. 为什么要用 Jellyfin,为什么不用 Plex 或 Emby 在本文写作之时: 软件硬解转码浏览器HEVC直接串流HDR色调映射IPTV源代码 Plex 付费 无 付费 无 闭源 ...
群晖Docker安装Jellyfin媒体服务器并开启IntelQuickSync提升性能 如何获得硬件加速转码、HDR色调映射的最佳性能? -1. 为什么要用 Jellyfin,为什么不用 Plex 或 Emby 在本文写作之时: 软件 硬解转码 浏览器HEVC直接串流 HDR色调映射 IPTV 源代码 Plex 付费 无 付费 无 闭源 Emby 有 无 有 付费 闭源 Jellyfin 有 有...
例如台式机CPU的迷你主机适合日常使用,比一体机灵活,性能也好;移动版CPU的迷你主机适合轻度娱乐、中度商用办公;特殊应用场景诸如软路由、媒体播放机的(安装Plex、Kodi等媒体播放软件,Intel的QuickSync在视频编解码上的支持度非常好),考虑低功耗CPU的迷你主机是不二之选。 现在不同于NUC那样严格的规定:尺寸可有调整,并且...
The function of the Intel Arc A380 is intended strictly for Quick Sync hardware encoding/decoding video. No Gaming. "Also, if you have any findings or extra information that you would like to share, feel free to post them. "All of our findings are located over on the...
When system freezes, Plex is doing transcoding with QSV (Quicksync), by using the GPGPU drivers from (20210913 release). This behaviour is constant since I built this system. BIOS is the latest motherboard provides. Motherboard is: Asrock B...
Hardware transcoding is a Plex Pass feature that can be added to your Docker container by bind mounting the relevant kernel device to the container. To confirm your host kernel supports the Intel Quick Sync feature, the following command can be executed on the host:...
PSA: How to Fix Quick Sync on newer Intel CPUs in SCALE Okay, so this took awhile to figure out, and I want to thank @waqarahmed for giving me the command that ultimately got my Quick Sync working in TrueNAS SCALE and let me pass it through to my Apps. This post does not apply...
Tasks that require more advanced graphical techniques, such as encode, decode, QuickSync-supported tasks, viewing images that can be manipulated in the viewer and running of anything presented in HEVC/H.265 compression are going to benefit from the graphical toolkit present in the J41...