FPGA centros de recursos de software de design Informações sobre produtos Ferramentas de desenvolvimento Intel® Quartus® Prime Software Suite e FPGA Software de projeto Intel® Quartus® Prime Quartus® II O conteúdo desta página é uma combinação de tradução humana e por...
The Quartus® Prime Design Software Suite encompasses all software design tools needed to bring your Intel® FPGA from concept to production. The topics on this web page will guide you through all of the Quartus® Prime software features. Select your area of interest and navigate ...
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly
Quartus Prime是一款由英特尔公司开发的FPGA(可编程逻辑门阵列)设计软件。Quartus Prime提供了完整的FPGA设计流程,包括设计输入、仿真、优化、布局、验证和生成程序文件等多种功能。它支持英特尔FPGA芯片和Intel SoC芯片的设计,还支持从其他EDA(电子设计自动化)工具导入设计文件。Quartus Prime的主要特点包括:集成开发环...
Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software, Design Entry, Synthesis, Simulation, Verification, Timing Analysis, System Design (Platform Designer, formerly Qsys) 購読する そのほかの操作 ディスカッション 質問を出す quartus 18.1 crashes during Analysis& Synthesis when Signal tap is added ...
Intel Quartus Prime 设计软件 V19.1 产品介绍说明书 The Intel® Quartus® Prime software is revolutionary in performance and productivity for FPGA, CPLD, and SoC designs, providing a fast path to convert your concept into reality. The Intel Quartus Prime software also supports many third-...
本用户指南介绍Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition设计软件的基本概念和操作,包括GUI和工程结构基础,初始设计规划,Intel FPGA IP的使用和向Intel® Quartus® Prime Pro Edition迁移。Intel® Quartus® Prime Standard Edition软件为以下器件系列提供完整设计环境: ...
Intel® Quartus® PrimeProgrammer(下载配置工具)允许编程和配置Intel®CPLD,FPGA以及配置器件。经过完整设计编译,可通过Assembler生成主要的器件编程文件,然后使用Programmer将编程文件加载到器件。本用户指南详细介绍Intel®FPGA编程文件的生成以及Intel® Quartus® PrimeProgrammer的使用。
TheQuartusPrimesoftwareinstallationprovidesvarioussimulationlibraryfiles,as TheQuartusPrimeSimulationLibrarydescribes. Thecombinationofdesignandtestbenchfilesincludesallthemodulesthatare instantiatedinthetop-leveltestbenchmodulehierarchy,includingallofthemodules forthedesign,becausethedesignisinstantiatedwithinthetestbenchhiera...
功能特色 1、编译策略 Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition软件中的编译器是一种快速、多方面的工具,允许不同的编译策略来满足设计人员的需求。除了可以为您提供性能基准的标准编译之外,还有其他可用的编译选项:新-小型设计的快速编译可用于在开发过程开始时进行快速编译,此时仅实现了一小部分设计。新-快速功能测试编译...