This page contains basic questions and answers about licensing the Intel® Quartus® Prime Design Software.
I'm having an issue with License setup using Quartus 14.1 connecting to our licensing server. I am using 14.1 to support an existing design. We have some NIOS licenses on our server. We are going through an IT migration so new laptop and have re-installed 14.1...
I purchased 2 licenses from mouser for Quartus prime. when I go to Intel® FPGA Self Service Licensing Center (SSLC) and search for the activation code, it shows the error that the activation code is not found. Can you please support with this issue? Translate...
installation-directory\bin64\quartus 在Linux 上开始 Intel FPGA 软件 使用如下方法在Linux 上启动 Intel FPGA 软件: • 在命令提示处键入以下内容: installation-directory/quartus/bin/quartus 注意: 在特定平台目录中开启 Intel Quartus Prime 软件,(例如, installation- directory/linux64/quartus/),可能导致软件...
InstallationandLicensing TheRapidIOIPcoreispartoftheAlteraMegaCoreIPLibrary,whichisdistributed withtheQuartusIIsoftwareanddownloadablefromtheAlterawebsite, . Figure1–2showsthedirectorystructureafteryouinstalltheRapidIOIPcore,where pathistheinstallationdirectory.ThedefaultinstallationdirectoryonWindowsis C:\altera\vers...
If you have manually downloaded the software package, please follow the instructions provided in this user guide section to install those packages.Step 4: Understanding Licensing You can evaluate the Intel® Quartus® Prime software at no cost for a specific period of time. Upon the conclusion...
installing the software, request and install a license to enable it. Refer to “Set up Licensing” on page 2–6 for more information. 1During the installation of the Quartus II software, you are given the option to install the MegaCore IP Library. When prompted to do so, choose...
10. 当您接收到 Intel Quartus Prime Pro Edition 发布软件包的安装目录提示时,可以指定一个 安装目录.否则,安装程序使用默认目录/opt/intelFPGA_pro/ quartus_19.2.0b57. 发送反馈 面向采用 Intel® Arria® 10 GX FPGA 的 Intel®可编程加速卡的 Intel 加速堆栈快速入 门指南 13 3. 入门 683633 | ...
2.1.InstallingandLicensingIntelFPGAIPCores TheIntelQuartusPrimesoftwareinstallationincludestheIntelFPGAIPlibrary.This libraryprovidesmanyusefulIPcoresforyourproductionusewithouttheneedforan additionallicense.SomeIntelFPGAIPcoresrequirepurchaseofaseparatelicensefor productionuse.TheIntelFPGAIPEvaluationModeallowsyoutoevaluate...
1.FaultInjectionIntelFPGAIPCoreUserGuide3 1.1.Features3 1.2.DeviceSupport3 1.3.ResourceUtilizationandPerformance3 1.4.InstallingandLicensingIntelFPGAIPCores4 1.5.CustomizingandGeneratingIPCores4 1.5.1.IPCatalogandParameterEditor4 1.5.2.IPCoreGenerationOutput(IntelQuartusPrimeProEdition)5 ...