easynote lm 86 con esta configuración Intel i7 640m , 8gb de ram ddr3, hd ssd 480gb, gpu amd Radeon 6550m 1gb vram , quisieran ponerle la cpu Intel i7 940 mx y poner 16gb , tengo puesta la ultima versión de la bios no pone lo que actualiza, quisiera saber si es`posible ...
2. Double-click the Solaris_2.7 folder in the Application Manager. The following 7 Solaris Information files are displayed: 4 documentation_issues 4 driverupdate 4 eof 4 installation_bugs 4 new_features 4 patches 4 runtime_bugs 3. Double-click on each file. It displays each file in dtpad....
A .mdmp file will be created under the game folder, but I cannot analyze it since I don't have the tool. Further more, I was using these graphics settings when the issue happens: 3840*2160p, borderless window, 4x MSAA, filtering mode: billnear, Vsync: off, shader de...
I tried moving the 3 files it refencecd in c:\windows\system32\drivers out to another folder - but Windows wouldn’t let me move or delete the 3rd file. (vwifibus.sys) Traducir 0 kudos Copiar enlace Responder DeividA_Intel Empleados 03-14-2022 09:...
I want to update it but I have only found intel graphics drivers (https://ark.intel.com/content/www/us/en/ark/products/122589/intel-core-i7-8550u-processor-8m-cache-up -to-4-00-ghz.html) that update the processor video driver. I don't want to think that my processor was stuck in...