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7代NUC的3大故障..因为不玩游戏,买了个7代NUC作为台式机使用,我发现,不管NUC7i5BNH还是NUC7i7BNH,都有下面问题,不知道各位是否遇见?1. HDMI口连显示器时,mkv等视频播放时会出现短暂随机黑屏,
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Once the Microsoft Basic Display Adapter successfully replaces the OEM driver: RUN THE INSTALLER which you downloaded from the NUC7ixBNH drivers-page Important: Leave the Execute Clean Installation unchecked while performing the installation."
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supported by the BIOS Setup program A description of the BIOS error messages, beep codes, and POST codes A description of the Intel NUC kit NUC7i5BN[x] and Intel NUC kit NUC7i7BNH features Typographical Conventions This section contains information about the conventions used in this ...