Windows Update (WU) 會移除最近安裝的 Intel® 顯示晶片驅動程式。 解決方法 您必須安裝 Intel® 顯示晶片驅動程式兩次,才能解決 Windows 更新行為。 安裝偏好的 Intel® 顯示晶片驅動程式。 重新啟動 電腦。 當Windows Update 移除 Intel 顯示晶片驅動程式時(通常在重新啟動期間),請再次 安裝偏好的 Intel...
去年7月左右买了个 NUC11PAHi5,用来跑虚拟机,后来发现用一会就死机,后来网上一搜发现是有 BIOS Bug,散热风扇控制存在 bug,BIOS 版本 0039 及以下会受影响,升级到 0040 即可修复(目前最新版本 0042)BIOS 升级包下载链接:当时...
NUC 8i5BEH安装和奔腾版基本一样,只是增加了一个M2硬盘插槽,据说还可以魔改安装网卡,用来完美黑苹果,不过现在年纪大了,不喜欢折腾这些了。记得我第一次黑苹果还是04吧,一晃15年过去了。 Intel可视化BIOS设置 NUC 8i5BEH,8259U处理器,似乎比我笔记本的8250U规格还要搞那么一丢丢。搭配16GDDR4 2400内存,Intel NVME...
bio (Download BIOS Update [CYCNLi35.86A]) on this stick and insert it into USB slot (NUC ...
NUC D54250WYK2 Intel Core i5-4250U Intel Graphic HD5000 Audio Realtek ALC283 LAN Intel I218-V 内存: Crucial DDR3 1.35V 2*8G 硬盘: 三星500G笔记本硬盘 士必得K7M-120G MSATA固态硬盘 网卡:BCM4322 下面简单开箱: 先说一下,这个NUC是我上首富家搞的二手,所以价格比较便宜,这次攒机本着成本为先的原...
I have just upgraded from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10 Pro and i'm trying to update all the drivers but unfortunately i'm not doing very well Everything looks good at first, see the image here. But then when it's about to start installing it looks like this (It looks like my old 10...
一看布展的就不会装驱动……Win10时代了,并不需要什么驱动精灵,NUC这类产品Windows Update的驱动就可以伺候得服服帖帖,比如我正躺在床上用RDP操纵的这台NUC10i3: 《我容易么》 ……还是用便携屏罢。地摊临时买的鼠标忍一忍也就过去了。RDP这个东西其实也就图一乐,应急登录服务器改下配置挺有用,真拿它干活?
Preparing the system for the upgrade or clean installation of Windows 11*. Resolution For most (see exception list below) NUC products no BIOS/Driver update is needed for the upgrade from Windows® 10 to Windows 11* but your system should be eligible for Windows 11 upgrade. For a clean...
Option 1 – Update the drivers manually Intel keeps updating the NUC drivers. To get them, you need to visit the support website of Intel, find the drivers corresponding with your specific flavor of Windows version (for example, Windows 10, 64 bit) and download the drivers manually. Follow...
This download record provides options for updating the BIOS of Intel® NUC M15 Laptop Kit - LAPBC510 & LAPBC710 Which file to choose? Express BIOS update [BCTGL357.0086.EBU.exe] - Self-extracting Windows*-based update file, designed to be used on Windows syste...