Get the proper support for your identified Intel® products. Step 1: Download and Run Download the Intel® Driver & Support Assistant Application. Download now Step 2: Install Follow the on-screen prompts to install the software. Step 3: Visit Support Assistant ...
目前找到的唯一可行办法,还是谷歌上英文找到的,就是运行intel官方的这个东西的卸载程序,然后重启,再安装这个支持助理。这玩意儿英文名叫“Intel driver support assistant uninstaller version” 来自iPhone客户端16楼2022-09-09 01:56 回复 shone4u 初级粉丝 1 下载专门的卸载这个东西的应用卸载掉,再安装...
Intel® Wireless Bluetooth® Driver for Windows® 10 64-Bit and Windows 11* for Intel® NUC Kits & Mini PCs Having gone through the performance of downloading, and asking me if I really want to update to this offered version and replying in the affirmative, I am then asked...
软件官网直接下载连接 贴吧用户_0389tE3 初级粉丝 1 芯片组驱动装了之后 除了第一个不会消 其它都会消 好像是一个3~4M的 CSCEC_ZY 核心会员 7 用easydriver,感叹号全消除 冯菲特 铁杆会员 8 这个要单独跟...
Intel® Driver & Support Assistant (Intel® DSA) Results in “Sorry, Something Went Wrong While Trying to Scan” or Endless Scan It is worth mentioning that Intel® DSA was designed for Intel systems such as the Intel® NUCs. We always recommend using your System M...
Features of Intel Driver & Support Assistant Graphics drivers Wireless networking Intel NUCs Intel Compute Sticks Technical Details and System Requirements Supported OS: Windows 11, Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7 RAM (Memory): 2 GB RAM (4 GB recommended) ...
3尝试用官方的驱动软件来打驱动(如软件直接下载连接手动到英特尔官网下载与安装雷电驱动(如驱动连接 kook1234567 铁杆会员 ...
Intel sells wired networking cards to computer manufacturers who may customize the drivers. Some network drivers are supported only by thecomputer manufacturer. Intel® NUC You can use the application to update all drivers on certain Intel® NUC products. If you want to get the latest drivers...
NUC10i7无法安..说一个我遇到的问题及解决办法:1.默认intel driver&support assistant会安装在C:\ProgramData\Intel目录,下载目录是C:\ProgramData\
8.如果装了【英特尔nuc迷你电脑软件工作室】,就装UniwillSevice驱动,没装就不需要。 英特尔官方驱动链接: