Yea, Intel discontinued the QC laptop kits and, as they often do (to thoroughly abandon their customers), yanked all of the QC-specific drivers. So, I have a share that includes the set of drivers that I have in my archive for QC. They may not be the latest in all cases...
There are 2 Camera Sensor drivers in System Devices OV9234 and OV9734 - is it normal to have 2 drivers and if not, can I just delete one (and which one?). I see events (device settings migrated) in both drivers after a Windows update in December which I t...
Driver Pack for the Intel® NUC X15 Laptop Kits- LAPAC71G & LAPAC71H, for Windows 11*. Important The drivers for the Intel® NUC X15 Laptop Kit must be installed in a certain order, as shown in the driver installation guide, so the drivers will not be avai...
Intel NUC M15 Laptop Kit - 驱动程序安装指南 Februrary 2022 Intel® NUC M15 Laptop Kit – Driver installation guide Februrary 2022 1
首先是CPU和GPU规格,都是老面孔了,11800H为8核心16线程,最大睿频4.6GHz,3070 Laptop有5120SP,这台本子标称是可以跑到125W,后续拷机看看就知道了。屏幕通过aida64查询,制造商为京东方,型号为NE156QHM-NY2,2K 165Hz。不过屏库网的NY2信息不全,对比NY1的话,是300nit亮度,100%的P3色域。实际观感上也的确不像...
OK,原本以为618不会买什么大件的时候,发现了本次开箱的主脚,Intel NUC X15 笔记本。英特尔NUC系列名声在外,骷髅标,飞龙峡谷之类的也是如雷贯耳。没成想还出了笔记本系列,仔细了解一下,准系统,有点儿意思,对准系统的记忆还是学生时代了,蓝天模具鼎鼎大名,可玩性强,动心了 ...
大概是为了刺激笔记本市场,Intel近日发布了一款特别的笔记本“NUC M15 Laptop Kit”(代号为Bishop Country),不直接卖给终端用户,而是提供给OEM厂商,由其贴上自己的品牌去卖。这也就是常说的“白牌笔记本”(Whitebook),也可以视为一种公版、公模。 话不多说:我们先来看看这台M15的外观 ...
Intel近日发布一款特别的笔记本“NUC M15 Laptop Kit” 描述 Intel NUC几乎已经成为迷你机的代名词,没想到现在居然延伸到了笔记本领域。 大概是为了刺激笔记本市场,Intel近日发布了一款特别的笔记本“NUC M15 Laptop Kit”(代号为Bishop Country),不直接卖给终端用户,而是提供给OEM厂商,由其贴上自己的品牌去卖。
Intel官方支持页面(NUC X15系列通用): 驱动包合集(蓝);BIOS(红);有线网卡补丁(黄) ...
Intel® NUC X15 Laptop Kit - LAPKC71F - Download supporting resources inclusive drivers, software, bios, and firmware updates.