Intel NUC 11 Extreme - Gaming PC Desktop - Intel Core i9-11900KB (8C/16T up to 4.90 GHz) - RTX 4070 12GB Gaming VERTO - 16GB DDR4 3200MHz - 512GB NVMe SSD - 650W 80PLUS - Windows 11 Home $1,399.00 + FREE SHIPPINGAdd to cart OverviewSpecsReviewsWarranty & Returns... 2022年11月8日,英特尔发布了全新的英特尔®NUC 13 Extreme 套件(代号Raptor Canyon)和英特尔 NUC 13 Extreme 计算元件,打造英特尔迄今为止最强大的 NUC 电脑。NUC 13 Extreme 搭载未锁频的第 13 代英特尔®酷睿™ 台式机处理器,支...
New NUC Features Unlocked 13th Gen Intel Core Processors, Delivering Next-Gen Performance for Gaming and Content Creation.
NUC Extreme系列产品从上一代的Dragon Canyon(飞龙峡谷)开始使用桌面级CPU,而桌面级CPU往往是Intel一个世代的酷睿处理器中最先发布的,所以NUC Extreme也逐渐成为同一世代NUC中最先发布的产品。随着13代酷睿处理器的问世,这次我要来给大家介绍的便是第13代的NUC Extreme Raptor Canyon,正式中文名称为“猛禽峡谷” 史...
Intel® NUC 11 Extreme kit: Built to Win Introducing the 11th Gen Intel® CoreTM i7 NUC with 8 cores, providing uncompromised performance for gaming, VR, and content creation. With an Intel® CoreTM i7 processor and support for up to 64GB of high-speed DDR4 RAM, you have big perfo...
Often, the more, the better. With the NUC Extreme 11, the system comes with up to two PCIe 4.0 M.2 SSDs. In addition to this, it comes with up to two PCIe 3.0 M.2 SSDs. That provides ample storage for most needs, but you may have to increase it over time to keep up with ...
总之,NUC以简省为概念,针对家庭和办公室推出小型化、低功耗的一体化电脑方案,除了Intel自家NUC,第三方技嘉BRIX、华擎BeeBox等也属于NUC,换个机壳。 作为Intel最新型号的NUC,冥王峡谷的最大特点又是什么? Intel NUC的野心自然不会满足于办公家用这单一领域,尤其是这几年GAMING电竞行业的崛起,我看过一篇文章,说PC装机...
如图,最近体验了两件硬货,Intel Hades Canyon冥王峡谷NUC电脑,三星C49HG90DMC 32:9超宽屏显示器,玩得乐不思蜀,才想起来发篇体验文。这篇主角是NUC冥王峡谷,而抢眼的沉浸式背景墙主要配合做测试和游戏体验,单独文章另开一篇再介绍。 首先,什么是NUC?
Panther Canyon黑豹峡谷 NUC 11 Extreme幻影峡谷 喜欢第八代中高配NUC的小伙伴们要抓紧入手了,不过我们建议还是等待新一代Panther Canyon或入手更强大的NUC 11 Extreme幻影峡谷。
Get Better Gaming Performance with Intel Intel® Xe Super Sampling (XeSS) Upscale your gaming experience with AI-enhanced visual fidelity and improved frame rates—ensuring captivating gameplay like never before on Intel® Arc Graphics. Intel® Extreme Tuning Utility (Intel® XTU) Unlock ...