49 microcode就不是永久的,bios带的也不是 bios主板启动时可以更新,也算是永久了
正文摘要: 本帖最后由 chopin1998 于 2024-9-26 14:13 编辑 刚刚更新了一下系统, 带着intel-microcode一起更新了, 本来还准备等下一个主板的bios再一起更新, 这下微码直接从 0x123跳到 0x129,bios还是老的 1370 ...Archiver|手机版|小黑屋|Chiphell ( 沪ICP备12027953号-5 )310112100042806 GMT+8,...
2. Microcode 0x125 to fix the eTVB issue in i9 processors (June 2024)3. Microcode 0x129 to address elevated voltages (August 2024) Intel’s current analysis finds there is a significant increase to the minimum operating voltage (Vmin) across multiple cores on a...
For unlocked Intel Core 13th and 14th Gen desktop processors, this latest microcode update (0x129) will not prevent users from overclocking if they so choose. Users can disable the eTVB setting in their BIOS if they wish to push above the 1.55V threshold. As ...
华擎主板,搜索华擎,进入华擎科技官网,点击最上方的支持,搜索你的主板型号,找到后点击文件下载,选择BIOS下载,找到“Update CPU Microcode to 0x129”的BIOS下载方式选择中国,即可正常下载。 七彩虹主板,进入官网后选择上方的服务与支持,产品支持,输入自己的产品型号,选择左边的BIOS,找到“更新0x129微码”的最新版本下载。
Intel此前对该问题的描述是eTVB可能错误计算了频率限制,让处理器(高温下仍)可在高频状态下运行。简单来说,也就是相关于eTVB的某个微码算法出现错误数值。6月份,Intel就发布了0x125微码更新,解决该问题。 其三,“频繁和持续请求高电压的微代码SVID算法可能导致最低运行电压偏移”(Microcode SVID algorithm requesting...
- Update CPU Microcode 0x129 - ME Firmware ver: ME_16.1.30.2361 (download) - ME Firmwareupdate SOP TitleVersionRelease DateFile Size Download AMI BIOS7D84v1E2024-08-139.55 MB Description: - Update CPU Microcode 0x125 - Fixed CVE-2024-36877 security issue. - ME Firmware ver: ME_16.1.30.23...
- Update CPU Microcode 0x129 - ME Firmware ver: ME_16.1.30.2361 (download) - ME Firmwareupdate SOP TitleVersionRelease DateFile Size Download AMI BIOS7D48vAH2024-08-099.51 MB Description: - Update CPU Microcode 0x125 - Fixed CVE-2024-36877 security issue. - ME Firmware ver: ME_16.1.30.23...
The latest microcode update (0x129) will limit voltage requests above 1.55V as a preventative mitigation for processors not experiencing instability symptoms. This latest microcode update will primarily improve operating conditions for K/KF/KS processors. Intel is also confirming, based o...
For unlocked Intel Core 13th and 14th Gen desktop processors, this latest microcode update (0x129) will not prevent users from overclocking if they so choose. Users can disable the eTVB setting in their BIOS if they wish to push above the 1.55V threshold. ...