The Intel® Intelligent Storage Acceleration Library (Intel® ISA-L) provides tools to minimize disk space use and maximize storage throughput, security, and resilience. Learn about its optimized functions for RAID, erasure code, cyclic redundancy check (CRC) functions, cryptographic hash, encryptio...
The Intel® Intelligent Storage Acceleration Library (Intel® ISA-L) provides tools to minimize disk space use and maximize storage throughput, security, and resilience. Learn about its optimized functions for RAID, erasure code, cyclic redundancy check (CRC) functions, cryptographic hash, encryptio...
1. ISA-L 是什么东西? intel®-storage-acceleration-library Intel存储加速库,包括两个大类:加密和非加密的。非加密的 crc,izip,erase-code,加密的包括sha512,sha256,md5,sha1等。 核心技术就是使用intel sse/avx/avx2/avx256的扩展指令,并行运算多个流的方法。单线程比openssl要快2~8倍。 现在ISA-L已经...
Intel® ISA-L: Cryptographic Hashes for Cloud Storage Introduction In today's modern world, every new device will generate some kind of data that will be stored in the cloud which will put higher demand for more and faster cloud storage. Cloud storage is an easy way to have...
Intel® ISA-L provides the tools to help accelerate and optimize storage on Intel® architecture (IA) for everything from small
现在ISA-L已经开源: 并行运算的接口有些像write/writev:ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);ssize_t writev(int fd, const struct iovec *iov, int iovcnt);struct iovec { void *iov_base...
ISA-L_crypto is a collection of optimized low-level functions targeting storage applications. ISA-L_crypto includes: Multi-buffer hashes - run multiple hash jobs together on one core for much better throughput than single-buffer versions.
并且RS-RAID通过将Intel公司的智能存储加速库Intel ISA-L(Intelligent Storage Acceleration Library)移植到内核中,加速RS码的计算速度,使得RS-RAID具有良好的I/O性能.RS-RAID具有很高的I/O性能:由读写性能均为180MB/s的SATA磁盘组成的RS-RAID,其写性能最高能达到单盘116MB/s,读性能最高能达到单盘149MB/s.并且...
Intelligent Storage Acceleration Library. Contribute to intel/isa-l development by creating an account on GitHub.
实际的校验和计算由 isa-l 和 isa-l_crypto 库完成。 然而,这些库是从大部分 DAOS 中抽象出来的,一个通用的校验和库与适当的适配器一起用于实际的 isa-l 实现。 通用校验和库 1.8.5 Performance Impact Calculating checksums can be CPU intensive and will impact performance. To mitigate performance impact...