Discover Intel® Core™ i9 desktop processors for gaming and see how Intel® newest processors deliver fantastic framerates on the most demanding titles.
Learn more about Intel® Core™ i9 laptop processors for gaming, and why our most powerful CPU's are built for demanding games and VR experiences.
Intel's 12th-gen H-series processors are the best that you can get in a gaming laptop, and the Core i9-12900HK really shows it off. It's a 45W CPU that can go way farther, especially since it's unlocked for overclocking. From our testing, we've seen in every benchmark that it ...
X299 AORUS GAMING 9设置了两组MOS散热片,其中一组通过热管连接到另一侧,这样使用塔式散热器时无论是水平还是垂直都能帮助MOS散热。 X299 AORUS GAMING 9提供了5个PCI-E插槽,而且全部为16×标准槽,能充分展开i9 处理器44个PCI-E-3.0通道与X299 PCH南桥24个PCI-E3.0通道的功能。正因为这套系统拥有前所未有的...
一个CPU 4pin+4pin供电理论上就能支撑330W的功率,所以绝大多数主板只设一个4pin+4pin接口,足够应付包括超频在内的各种极端应用了。但是这次Intel产品线升级比以往来的凶猛,X299主板还将面临支持最高达18核36线程i9处理器的任务,两个4pin+4pin更令人心安,它们可以平分电流,降低导线热量,事实上这是服务器主板才需用到...
看似高贵其实实惠 深度剖析Intel i9处理器的奥秘 X299 AORUS GAMING 9扩展功能 在X299上技嘉终于取消了早已胎死腹中的SATA-Express磁盘接口,全部转为通用的SATA 6G,一共有8个接口,全部以侧插接口形式排列在边缘,攒机时比较方便理线。 从200系列开始,前置USB插针中出现了USB3.1的身影,这种端口比19针的USB3.0更...
AORUS X299 GAMING 9无论芯片组定位还是型号定位,技嘉目前的最顶级主板,同时也是主板行业中最强大的X299主板之一。这款主板非常值得推荐给广大硬件发烧友,尽管它售价不菲,但用来伺候一枚价值7000多元的CPU还是值得的。文章后面会对其作介绍,现在我们直入主题:i9 7900X比i7 6950X强多少?
Enhanced Gaming Performance For gamers, an i9 processor can significantly improve frame rates and overall gaming experience, especially in CPU-intensive games. The high clock speeds and multiple cores allow for smoother gameplay, faster load times, and the ability to run multiple applications simultaneo...
看似高贵其实实惠 深度剖析Intel i9处理器的奥秘 何为一款顶级的X299主板? 经过本文的测试分析,Intel Skylake-X架构的设计意图很明朗,就是重点提升HEDT发烧级平台的单核性能,也可以说是频率性能。而这恰是以往该平台最大的尴尬,以至于旗舰处理器i7 6950X游戏表现还不如1151平台上的i7 ,甚至是带K的i5。从此往后,...
Hello everyone, I seem to be having the same issue as Zlicer, I have an i9 14900KF and lots of games only seem to work if I set the Performance Core Ratio to 5.2. These problems are happening in Call of Duty and Ready or Not for me as well. Can I get a quick check up to se...