Hello, I have been trying to download drivers for my Intel processor Intel Core i7-9700F the processor has been discontinued since 2019, when I try and download the drivers from intels website, https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/download/776137/intel-7th-10th-gen-p...
Intel® Core™ i7-9700F Processor (12M Cache, up to 4.70 GHz) - Download supporting resources inclusive drivers, software, bios, and firmware updates.
英特尔酷睿i7-9700kf是一款具有8核心的台式机处理器,于1月2019推出。 它是Core i7阵容的一部分,使用带有Socket1151的Coffee Lake Refresh架构。 Core i7-9700kf具有12mb的L3缓存,默认情况下以3.6ghz运行,但可以提升高达4.9ghz,具体取决于工作负载。 英特尔正在14纳米生产工艺上构建Core i7-9700kf,晶体管计数未知。
求救! i7 970..我I7 9700F是这种情况,完全搞不懂这CPU占用率为什么这么夸张,我什么都不运行,就开一个吃鸡,直接满载100%不降,GPU占用才50%,内存也70%。帧数只有90左右,不管游戏画质全高还是全低,
Intel® Core™ i7-9700F 處理器(12M 快取記憶體,最高可達 4.70 GHz) 含規格、功能與技術的快速參考。
已解决: Hi, this is my first post here. I'm having some hard time trying to figure out if my processor drivers needs to be updated. I have an
Intel® Core™ i7-9700KF Processor (12M Cache, up to 4.90 GHz) quick reference with specifications, features, and technologies.
Intel® Core™ i7-9700F Processor (12M Cache, up to 4.70 GHz) quick reference with specifications, features, and technologies.
接口类型:LGA 1151 核心代号:Coffee Lake 核心数:八核心 制造工艺:14纳米 三级缓存:12MB 热设计功耗:95W 查看详细参数>> 产品简介:英特尔 酷睿i7 9700KF,适用类型 台式机,CPU系列 酷睿i7 9代系列,制作工艺 14纳米,核心代号 Coffee Lake,插槽类型 LGA 1151。 Intel酷睿i7 9700KF热门行情 更多文章 > ...