I have windows 10 64 bit. I can't install Windows 11 because my processor Intel Core i7-7700, 3.6GHz, 8MB, BOX (BX80677I77700 is not supportedAnnouncement "CPU is currently not supported for Windows 11" Translate Tags: Intel Core i7-7700...
As title says I own Intel Core i7 7700 CPU @3.60GHz but Windows 11 PC Health Check states that it's uncompatile with Windows 11 (whereas I got Intel Core i5 that does) What's the procedure raising this issue at Intel so Microsoft will allow me the ...
i77700k支持win11吗 Intel Core i7-7700K处理器并不在微软官方支持的Windows 11处理器列表中。微软对Windows 11执行了特定的最低系统要求,其中包括对处理器的要求,主要是为了确保系统的安全性、可靠性和性能。所有英特尔® 酷睿™第八代及更高版本的处理器均支持Windows 11.因此,虽然i7-7700K是一款性能不错的...
cpu是i7 7700hq,之前都运行的好好的,现在就打不开了,显示 XTU signature validation failed【xtu签名验证失败】有什么办法吗 Kraft 8086 1 系统是win10 64 xtu也是官网新版,兼容模式运行也没效果 满舰原-- 奔腾II 5 我发了个一样的贴都没人理 ,不过好歹也算解决了 石头头头头头 赛扬双核 13 顶...
I have a Lenovo P51 with an i7-7820HQ processor and would like to understand when the device is planned to be supported for Window 11? Thank you!Windows 11 Windows 11 A Microsoft operating system designed for productivity, creativity, and ease of use. 9,256 questions Sign in...
兄弟们,i7-770..rt, 现在我i7-7700打游戏的时候占用只有50-60 显卡1060占用到100了,然后帧率只有120-140左右 时不时掉帧。 如果我换了cpu换成i5-12490F 会不会有大提升呢。打csg
i7 7700有没有..看了以下现在行情I7 7700勉强带RTX 3060,等英特尔12代出来,过渡几个月是没问题了。如果是带RTX 3070,就必须换成10代或11代才行了,你愿意花一万元买显卡就行如果是10代,建议10
I have a 3-year-old Dell XPS 15 9560 with Intel I7 -7700 and running Windows 10. It was more or less a high-end laptop at the time I bought it. It cost around $2500. I think it is kind of strange that such a laptop cannot be upgraded to Windows 11....
首先,I7 7700K是一款高端处理器,其默认运行温度通常会较高。然而,你的电脑在待机状态下的50度左右和双烤CPU时达到的90多度确实偏高。以下是一些可能有助于你降低温度的建议:1. 检查散热器的安装:确保利民PA120SE散热器已经正确并且紧密地安装在主板上。如果螺丝或扣具没有正确紧固,可能会导致散热器与处理器接触不...