I have recently installed an Intel i7-7700K Cpu into my computer. I have been having a number of issues ever since while playing games in which my mouse clicks will not be detected occasionally for between 1-5 seconds at a time. I am trying to update my CPU drivers to check this isn...
7700K+Z270=3XXX(元) 然而游戏表现却差不了多少。 讲道理,其实8700K性能真的蛮不错的!毕竟牙膏厂好不容易不挤频率挤核心,一下挤出50%的核心,但是现在是缺货+经销商炒货把价格炒高了,心理价位要是能在原包2700以内,那它的性价比还真的不错,毕竟同样是6核12线程的i7-6800K也就是2000出头。 SO,或者用Z27...
So, I am unable to install ANY driver that is "Supported" by the i7-7700k This is the thread I attempted to pull drivers from as I'm not very computer savvy I don't understand much there. I paid alot of money for this CPU and I'm pretty unhappy that I can't even get the...代提升简直就是挤儿童牙膏,单核性能都是600内,多出来的多核打游戏又用不到,我买的10900k,单核和7700k高不了多少,12代现在吹的厉害,我等13代。 来自Android客户端13楼2021-11-18 14:20 收起回复 azzzhz 8086 1 11代赢在单核和低频内存效能,10代赢在缓存,所以负载较低的游戏11代可能打不过10...
i77700k刚卖1800几天,7700你的盖花了,应该1500这样 来自Android客户端7楼2020-01-13 20:40 收起回复 小蜜蜂也有春天 8086 1 英特尔的i7处理器比英特尔股票还稳,囤1000个,明年出手让你赚到辆宝马5系, 来自Android客户端8楼2020-01-13 21:00 回复 Vk...
Intel® Core™ i7-7700HQ Processor (6M Cache, up to 3.80 GHz) quick reference with specifications, features, and technologies.
Intel Core i7-7700 4 Cores 8 Threads 65 W TDP 3.6 GHz Frequency 4.2 GHz Boost Kaby Lake Codename Socket 1151 Socket Front Connectivity Intel Socket 1151 The Intel Core i7-7700 is a desktop processor with 4 cores, launched in January 2017. It is part of the Core i7 lineup, using the ...
Intel® Core™ i7-7700 Processor (8M Cache, up to 4.20 GHz) quick reference with specifications, features, and technologies.
废话:几天前我卖掉了以前的平台 i7 7700+b250 加了几百块升级了i511400f,原本的意图是花最少的钱得到最好的性能所以11代U购买的是散片而主板是在某鱼淘的二手版,在快递的路上才开始真正花时间去了解11代U和5系板子的性能以及最新的技术,于是乎又花了1100块大洋入了pcie4据说速度能到7000的海盗船内存。紧...