Hi to everyone! I've been playing for quite a long time on my pc and almost never had any problems! Lately (in the last year to be honest) a lot of
Haswell家族里的另类Devil's Canyon i7-4790K、i5-4690K在超频上做了一定的改善,也更好地控制了温度,再加上本身频率就比较高,还是比较值得肯定的。Skylake能比它更好吗? 废话不多说,来看看AnandTech使用四颗i7-6700K进行的试验,包括三颗样品和一颗零售版。主板主要使用微星的Z170A Gaming M7,并用微星和华硕的...
Discover Intel® Core™ i7 laptop processors for gaming, and see how our processors deliver the best frame rates on most demanding titles.
从更多的参考资料,不难发现,Skylake Kaby lake(6700K系列,7700K系列)相对于新一代,其实是少了不少供电的针脚。从其他的针脚排布来看,供电的改变,应该就是这一代的Z370的“升级”部分了,也就是刚才上面没有提到的,也就是说,Z370和Z270最大的区别,是供电的变化,情况很明了,在设计里面,其实Z370的CPU是兼容Z...
CPU方面,i7-6700是Intel最新一代Skylake六代架构处理器,采用最先进的14nm工艺,原生四核八线程,默认主频高达3.4Ghz,拥有8M三级缓存,支持新一代DDR4高主频内存,性能颇为强悍,定位高端装机用户推荐。考虑到i7-6700是一款不超频的处理器你,因此搭配了B150主板,这款电脑配置搭配了华硕 B150 PRO GAMING D4 玩家雷达声波...
IT之家讯 8月9日消息,自Intel发布第六代酷睿处理器i7-6700K以及i5-6600K之后,不锁倍频的特性就让无数超频爱好者跃跃欲试,今天(8月9日),来自台湾的玩家在液氮的帮助下,成功将i7-6700K的主频超到了惊人的6801.36MHz,这也是目前Skylake所达到的最高频率。
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Intel® Core™ Ultra Processor Family for Gaming PCs Intel® Core™ Ultra 9 Processors Elite real-world performance, extreme multitasking, and new overclocking2controls set this unlocked processor apart. Get up to 24 cores and up to 5.7 GHz max clock speed.3 ...
系统产品型号Gaming B8 处理器Intel Core i7-6700T CPU @ 2.80GHz 核数4 线程数8 分数 比较替代方案 → 706 显卡NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1070 驱动31.0.15.3623 分数 比较替代方案 → 3602 存储设备KINGSTON SHSS37A120G 分数475 存储设备VALK 2000 分数932 ...
i7 chips in many yoga 2-in-1 and thinkpad systems. you've come to the right place if you know you want a core i7 gaming laptop but aren't sure which brand and style you prefer. this page is dedicated exclusively to lenovo laptops with core i7 processors. there's a lenovo gaming ...