Intel® Core™ i7-13700HX Processor (30M Cache, up to 5.00 GHz) quick reference with specifications, features, and technologies.
In ASUS 「13th Gen Intel® Core™ i7-13700HX」 - Laptops , you could find most appropriate Laptops based on product features, specification or price. And you also could get product's detail information and comparsion, even add it into the wish list i
名称Intel Core i7-13700HX添加对比 性能排名第271名 得分33,968 TDP55 W TDP Down45 W 插槽类型FCBGA1964 发布时间Q1 2023 其它名称13th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-13700HX Intel Core i7-13700HX与其它CPU性能对比 Intel Core i7-13700HX 与 AMD Ryzen Threadripper PRO 7995WX 性能比较 ...
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!少见的U~INTEL CORE I7-1160G7处理器默频状态下性能参数和CPU-Z测试得分。感谢粉丝“你干嘛-ay”提供测试视频! 2734 2 01:30 App INTEL CORE I3 530处理器性能参数和CPU-Z测试得分。 716 0 01:21 App INTEL 赛扬 CELERON G3900T处理器默频状态下性能参数和CPU-Z测试得分。 1432 1 01:27 App !神...
Intel® Core™ i7-13700HX Processor (30M Cache, up to 5.00 GHz) - Ordering and trade compliance information inclusive of change notifications, material declarations, ordering codes and trade compliance information.
Intel® Core™ i7-13700H Processor (24M Cache, up to 5.00 GHz) - Download supporting resources inclusive drivers, software, bios, and firmware updates.