Look at the downloads and all you will find are graphics drivers. Doc (not an Intel employee or contractor)[Maybe Windows 12 will be better] Translate 0 Kudos Copy...
我手里这颗12700..先说配置:系统 : Windows 11 专业版 64位 版本号 22000.194处理器 : Intel Core i7-12700K 核心数 8 Performance, 4 Efficient
Intel® Core™ i7-12700K Processor (25M Cache, up to 5.00 GHz) - Download supporting resources inclusive drivers, software, bios, and firmware updates.
Intel® Core™ i7-12700K Processor (25M Cache, up to 5.00 GHz) quick reference with specifications, features, and technologies.
在这篇对比页面中,我们将比较Intel 酷睿 i7-12700KF和Intel 酷睿 i5-12600KF,Intel 酷睿 i7-12700KF的Geekbench 5多核跑分达到了(14892分),而Intel 酷睿 i5-12600KF的Geekbench 5多核跑分达到了(15012分)。Intel 酷睿 i7-12700KF的L3缓存达到了25MB,Intel 酷睿 i5-12600
12代i7 1270..配置12700k 技嘉z690小雕 16x2英睿达3600 硬盘980pro 1t 显卡gx850海韵金牌,风扇d15.按理说都不盖,玩魔兽争霸的时候用的核显,玩了快一个小时出现画面定格大概不到2秒吧
I7 12700K超..翻了这么多个贴,没人说超频教程的简直头疼。助人为乐还是我来报告一下技嘉Z690m超频作业吧。CPU是散片,上图只是表达超频稳定成功绝非炫耀。废话不多说,步骤如下:1.开机按del键进入BIOS,按F2
Intel® Core™ i7-12700K Processor (25M Cache, up to 5.00 GHz) - Support product information, featured content and more.