Support Chipset Models Intel Z690View more DescriptionReport Item Specifications: Processor Type: Intel Core i7-12700K Cooling System: No fan included L3 Cache Capacity: 25MB Support Memory Type: DDR4 PCIe Version: PCIe 3.0 GPU-built: Yes Features: |Intel Core I7 10700k Cpu|Intel I7 6700k ...
Chipset drivers from motherboard manufacter's website were re-installed, BIOS was upgraded to the latest version (from F2 to F3, see NVIDIA GPU drivers fully...
12代i7 1270..配置12700k 技嘉z690小雕 16x2英睿达3600 硬盘980pro 1t 显卡gx850海韵金牌,风扇d15.按理说都不盖,玩魔兽争霸的时候用的核显,玩了快一个小时出现画面定格大概不到2秒吧
Why do you not explain what the problem is rather than thinking you can uninstall drivers according to bad advice from somebody? If you are new to the PC world, jumping into the device manager and cluelessly uninstalling drivers is foolish. Also, the chipset driver INF comes from your system...
I7 12700K求..求助贴吧大佬帮忙!CPU:I7 12700K主板:华硕TUF Z690 D4内存:英睿达3600 16*2超到4000散热:利民pa120问题描述:开机任务管理器看速度,4.8-4.9左右。然后开雷电
【疑难解答】关于12..哥 请问下 我现在l2电压 1.25 核心电压1.36 稳5.2大核 4.0小核 g1 4000 46延迟 还有必要加压上5.3吗 目前温度 还可控 但是有个问题
其实12700K那四个小核就是送的了。如果你想暂时用WIN 10、进入BIOS屏蔽小核就行了(有些BIOS系统是最低分配一个小核,有些可完全屏蔽)。 来自Android客户端11楼2022-10-04 18:59 收起回复 秋月残阳 奔腾D 9 没问题 来自iPhone客户端13楼2022-10-04 20:38 回复 ...
I7 12700k散..测试平台 690刀锋ti d4 名人堂单面4000c18 三星bdie追风者360冰灵系统win10Bios 7D31vA2内存小参全自动,极限小参做的屁股疼目前战绩大核5.2 小核4.0 电压1.27vavx自动 ring自动 imc 4133 c15 1.55v 小参自动