I got new pc last month with a RX 6750 Xt and a i5 13400f on a B760 gigabyte board, and 2x8g Corsaire vengeance 3200 mhz and 650 bronze+ alim. Bios, windows(11), graphic card are fully updated, XMP is active and there is no OC anywhe...
CPU:INTEL酷睿i5 13400F散—699 主板:技嘉 B760M GAMING AC WIFI—749 散热:天极风 S60六铜管—119 内存:阿斯加特 黑弗雷 DDR4 3600 16G*2 32G—378 固态:金士顿 NV3 1T 读速6000—389 显卡:瀚铠 RX7700XT 12G 合金—2899 电源:骨伽SXC650额定650W 80plus—259 机箱:爱国者C30侧透—120 合计:5612 ①配...
i5 13400和i5 13400F你可以看作是一款CPU,参数与性能完全相同,主要区别就是i5 13400内置了UHD730核显,适合不搭配独显的装机方案,而i5 13400F型号由于F后缀,说明是无内置核显,必须搭配独立显卡才可以点亮,不过价格更实惠一些,性价比更高。🚲🚲🚲🚲 @数码小喇叭 关注了解更多装机方案i5 13400F配RTX3060Ti...
i5-13400 series don't cannibalize sales of the other non-K Core i5 processor models, but this creates quite some confusion in the lineup. While the gamer-focused i5-13400F is priced at an MSRP of $200, the i5-13400, its sibling with the iGPU, is priced 10% higher, at $220. ...
CPU: i5 13400FGPU: RTX 4070 12 GBSSD: Samsung 980 NVMe M2 1 TB | Samung 970 Evo Plus NVMe M2 1 TBRAM: Corsair Venegance 2x16 3600 MHz DDR4Motherboard: Asus TUF GAMING Z690-PLUS D4Thank you Translate Tags: Processor Processors Troubleshooting 0 Kudos Reply All forum topics Previous...
R5 7500F配RX7650GRE独显主机 R5 7500F是注重游戏性能的一款千元级CPU,得益于锐龙R5 7500F高频大核心,游戏上领先i5 13400F/13490F,甚至是i5 12600KF毫无压力,不过多核性能不如这些CPU,所以特别适合打游戏的装机用户。 目前RX6750GRE已经停产,随之替代的型号为RX7650GRE,RX7650GRE相当于RX7600超频版,性能略强一...
The Intel Core i5-13400F is only $200, but comes with six Performance Cores and four E-Cores, bringing the total thread count to 16. Performance is good, as expected, but what's even more impressive is the energy efficiency as confirmed by the detailed testing in our review. Show full...
英特尔13代酷睿I5 13400散片台式机CPU处理器主板适用B660\B760 深圳市福田区联茂丰电子经营部 7年 回头率: 27.2% 广东 深圳市福田区 ¥650.00 成交1115个 I5 12400F散片CPU电脑处理器6核12线程支持主板H610\B660适用于 品牌 Intel/英特尔 广州亿顺科技有限公司 6年 回头率: 18.4% 广东 广州市 ¥...
i5 13400F是替换上一代i5 12400F的一款13代酷睿主流CPU,新增了4个效能核心,所以拥有10核16线程设计,性能核最高频率为4.6GHz,配备20MB三级缓存,由于F系列所以无内置核显,后期无疑会接替i5 12400F,成为主流热选型号。 RTX3060的性能定位是介于RTX2060Super和RTX2070之间的,RTX3060相比RTX2060在游戏性能上强约11...
Capture 2: Cinebench R23, 10 min stress with Gaming X Click to expand... THANK YOU very much for info about phases. I have B660M DS3H with 12100 and would like to upgrade CPU either to 12400F or 13400F. I don't have either budget or plan to change the MB, so I would choos...