Intel® Core™ i5-12500H Processor (18M Cache, up to 4.50 GHz) - Download supporting resources inclusive drivers, software, bios, and firmware updates.
设备名称LAPTOP-JAAPGR97 处理器12th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-12500H 2.50 GHz 机带 RAM16.0 GB (15.7 GB 可用) 设备 IDE658980A-F020-4761-BB30-A77292A202A9 产品 ID00342-30945-00882-AAOEM 系统类型64 位操作系统, 基于 x64 的处理器 笔和触控没有可用于此显示器的笔或触控输入 分享411 拯救...
我的电脑本身集成了一块12500h核显,同时使用雷电接口连接了一张a380,在我试图通过英特尔显卡驱动安装程序对显卡驱动进行更新时,我的电脑会在安装新显卡驱动程序这一步蓝屏或死机,现在我只能通过分别禁用掉其中一个显卡的方式成功更新驱动程序,以下是我的设备规格和windows规格,希望对解决问题有所帮助。 设备名称 孙博的...
Intel® Core™ i5-12600 Processor (18M Cache, up to 4.80 GHz) Intel® Core™ i5-12600H Processor (18M Cache, up to 4.50 GHz) Intel® Core™ i5-12600HE Processor (18M Cache, up to 4.50 GHz) Intel® Core™ i5-12500H Processor (18M Cache, up to 4.50 GHz) ...
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Intel® Core™ i5-12600H Processor (18M Cache, up to 4.50 GHz) Intel® Core™ i5-12600HE Processor (18M Cache, up to 4.50 GHz) Intel® Core™ i5-12500H Processor (18M Cache, up to 4.50 GHz) Intel® Core™ i5-12500E Processor (18M Cache, up to 4.50 GHz) Intel...
Intel® Core™ i5-12600 Processor (18M Cache, up to 4.80 GHz) Intel® Core™ i5-12600H Processor (18M Cache, up to 4.50 GHz) Intel® Core™ i5-12600HE Processor (18M Cache, up to 4.50 GHz) Intel® Core™ i5-12500H Processor (18M Cache, up to 4.50 GHz) Intel...
Intel® Core™ i5-12600 Processor (18M Cache, up to 4.80 GHz) Intel® Core™ i5-12600H Processor (18M Cache, up to 4.50 GHz) Intel® Core™ i5-12600HE Processor (18M Cache, up to 4.50 GHz) Intel® Core™ i5-12500H Processor (18M Cache, up to 4.50 GHz) Intel...
The drivers provided on this page are for Intel Core i5-8265U CPU @ 1.60GHz, and most of them are for Windows operating system. Before downloading the driver, please confirm the version number of the operating system installed on the computer where the driver will be installed. If the ...