I211以前的千兆卡是不错的,应该是后面名声搞臭了,特别是新版驱动相当抽象 我一台机上板载一个I211、...
华硕主板越来越多的型号板载了Intel 2.5G的网卡,包括Intel i225-V和i226-V两个型号。如果操作系统是Windows10或者Windows11,驱动安装都很简单,但是如果操作系统是Windows server 2019或者2022 (不支持Windows s…
Hi, I am using Intel I225-V/I226-V Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS ethernet support hardware. On this i am facing an issue like below error print. By hardware
浏览并选择e2f.ini文件进行安装,注意选择与主板实际型号相符的网卡驱动,例如,i226-V网卡主板用户应选择i226-LM驱动进行安装,而i225-V主板用户可选择i225-LM。点击“是”确认安装,并完成整个驱动安装流程。完成安装后,需检查驱动状态及网卡连接状态是否正常,以确保安装成功。总结如下:1、 华硕主板...
本地下载:DRV_LAN_Intel_PRO2500_I225_I226_x64_v29.1.1.1_20240523.zip 文件来源:英特尔® 以太网适配器 完整驱动程序包 版。 安装方法 直接e2fn.inf对文件安装 下载驱动后,将驱动zip文件解压,以 Windows11 系统演示为例: 1.1、进入W11文件夹,选中e2fn.inf文件,在文件空白处点击右键,在弹出的...
In theory, it will have better performance than the AppleEthernetE1000 driver implemented in user space. It's also more stable for me, since macOS Monterey's AppleEthernetE1000 on i226-V immediately causes a kernel panic. Only test on macOS Monterey 12.6.1 with Intel i226-V for days. It...
Intel is releasing a new driver to mitigate connection drop issues faced by customers running boards with I226 & I225 ethernet controllers.
Find i225/i226 pci device 03:00.0 Ethernet controller: Intel Corporation Ethernet Controller I225-V (rev 03) insmod igc.ko debug=16 # enable debug log echo igc > /sys/bus/pci/devices/0000:03:00.0/driver_override echo 0000:03:00.0 > /sys/bus/pci/drivers_probe ip link set up eth1 ...