Intel I210 封裝規格 系統介面類型 PCIe v2.1 (2.5 GT/s) 用於連線的 Intel® 虛擬化技術 晶片QoS 與流量管理 否 彈性連接埠分割 否 虛擬機器裝置佇列 (Virtual Machine Device Queues) 否 支援PCI-SIG* SR-IOV 否 進階技術 iWARP/RDMA 否
商品名称:EB-LINKEB-I210T-POE 商品编号:100006004533 速率:1000M 接口:PCI-E 类型:双频网卡 连接方式:有线 适用场景:企业 更多参数>> 商品介绍加载中... 售后保障 厂家服务 本商品质保期周期3年质保,在此时间范围内可提交维修申请,具体请以厂家服务为准。
Intel® Ethernet Server Adapter I210-T1 - Ordering and trade compliance information inclusive of change notifications, material declarations, ordering codes and trade compliance information.
This Thinkstation Intel I210-T1 single port Gigabit Ethernet adapter is fully qualified to provide smoothly compatibility on ThinkStaiton P500, P700 and P900 systems. Key Details Get Error Correcting Memory(ECC) protection and improve data reliability Help reduce Ethernet connection power consumption PCI...
Hi there, my mainboard (ASUS Pro WS W790E-SAGE SE) has an Intel X710 10G network adapter which does not support WoL. For this reason I bought a
Removing Error Intel Networkadapter I210 – T1 · If there is an Intel Gigabit Adapter I210 – T1 (Manufacturing date after 06-2014) plugged in a PC, · Concerns systems: DELL Prec 390 + T3400 + T3500, DELL Optiplex 780 + 790 and more; · DELL Prec T1700, DELL Optiplex 7010 are wo...
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