Now for intel high definition dsp it has a error logo besides it saying: The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28) There are no compatible drivers for this device. To find a driver for this device, click Update Driver. my sound is not working and its saying no o...
Device Manager shows an unknown Intel High Definition DSP device with error 28. I have run Windows Update Lenovo Commercial Vantage update and downloaded/installed the driver from Lenovo through setup and manually. Nothing worked. Translate Tags: audio dsp error 280...
Hello, I suddenly lost sound on my X1 Yoga 4th Gen Thinkpad. The error message when I hover over the sound icon sayd No audio device found. I checked device manager and the only driver that seems to be problematic is Intel High definition DSP. It has the following status. I ...
...with something called 'Intel High Definition DSP' for which the driver is missing. I can TEMPORARILY correct this by doing the following: Highlight the device called 'Intel High Definition DSP' in the 'Other devices' category in Device Manager so it'...
求助--Intel ..昨天刚重新做了个系统,大体上没问题。现在是如题,设备管理器里面这个提示为叹号百度翻译以后,下了一个驱动,安装也没问题。然后就是声音无法调动。设备管理标签里面,声音硬件选项没有异常。就是没有声音,然后更
Intel High Definition DSP并非集成显卡的显存或驱动程序,它实际上是Intel的一种数字信号处理器(DSP),用于处理音频、视频信号和一些特定的计算任务,提升设备的多媒体性能。它不同于显卡驱动,显卡驱动是控制显卡与计算机硬件和操作系统交互的关键软件。如果你需要更新显卡驱动,可以按照以下步骤操作:首先,...
重新设置声卡驱动。方法如下: 进入设备管理: 我的电脑->管理 设备管理->系统设备或声卡那找到感叹号的 intel high definition DSP。先卸载掉 然后在系统设备->英特尔智音技术更新驱动-> 选 浏览计算机上的驱动程序 选‘让我从计算机上的可用驱动程序列表中选取’ ...
I reviewed your post and I understand that you see a yellow exclamation mark on the Intel High Definition DSP. I recommend you update the BIOS and the graphics driver from the below link and check whether the issue is resolved. Let me know...