你删的只是控制面板,重新下载装回来就行了。 Windysonken Adreno 9 把手剁了 双子辛巴 GeForce 14 卸载核显驱动然后重启电脑,然后再用驱动精灵或者去intel官网下。这个东西包括在核显驱动套件里面的。 1208546996 Adreno 9 直接联网,打开设备管理器,能应该有 感叹号的,右键更新应该就可以的。 艾玛好捉急 Voodo...
下载 [显卡驱动] Intel英特尔HD Graphics 4000/HD Graphics 2500集成显卡官方显卡驱动15.33.39.4276版For Win7-32/Win8.1-32/Win10-32(2015年9月21日发布)近日,Intel官方发布了一款最新的显卡驱动,版本号为15.33.39.4276,显示版本号为10.18.10.4276,适用于Win7/Win8.1/Win10系统。 该版本驱动主要适用于Intel HD...
我在惠普上安装了Windows 10,带有IntelHDGraphics5500,试图通过连接到第二个屏幕和笔记本电脑的HDMI线将HP屏幕连接到我的笔记本电脑。当我右键单击桌面,然后左键单击 kasonandy2018-11-30 11:16:12 英特尔图形控制面板未显示 to access to access thecontrolpanelby just right clicking on the desktop, but the op...
已解决: Hi, I am running a Intel HD grafics GPU on my mainboard (2nd gen., HD 2000) together with a GeForce GTX 285. I have two displays connected to
I have the exact same issue with the Intel HD Graphics Control Panel as you do! Before searching, I was ready to make a new post detailing this error, but the above posts are describing the problem in exact detail. I've been living with & ignoring this problem since late October last ...
Demos some uses for the Intel® HD Graphics Control Panel that you may not know about, including support for 3 independent monitors, display profiles, customizable screen colors, and more options and controls for power management and support. ...
Download Intel® HD Graphics Driver for Windows® 10 for Intel® NUC Kits NUC6i[x]SY Program available in other languages Télécharger Intel Desktop Control Center [FR] Download Intel Desktop Control Center [NL] 下载Intel Desktop Control Center [ZH] Intel Desktop Control Center indir [TR...
1、提升Intel Graphics Control Panel图形控制面板响应速度及启动速度; 2、Intel图形控制面板新增“profiles”项,用户可以保存/分享/导入设置; 3、如果驱动支持MSAA,用户可以在3D设置项目下禁用MSAA; 4、驱动程序占用的磁盘空间减小; 5、增强了对4K显示器的支持; 6、支持HEVC编码; 7、大量Windows 8.1系统下的bug修复...