Intel does not have graphics drivers available for Windows® 10 for your Intel® HD graphics 3000 graphics controller. You are currently running Inbox drivers for Windows® 10, they are provided by Microsoft* as part of the installation package. The only way to get updated Inbox graphics...
不会的,这个显卡在WIN10系统上是可以正常使用的。如果出现问题,肯定是显卡驱动的问题。你系统有装腾讯电脑管家没?没有的话,建议先下个。通过管家硬件检测检查一下:打开腾讯电脑管家。。。工具箱。。。硬件检测。。。驱动安装 如果提示异常,这里提供相关修复管理。
Hello everyone,i have a MSI CX640 Laptop with Core i5 2540m CPU and intel HD graphics 3000,the Win 7 driver installs properly on windows 10 but when i turn on the system,i have blank screen,is there any proper driver for windows 10? Please help,I'm stuck !!! Thanks Translate Tags...
Windows 10不支持HD 3000图形,从未使用过。支持英特尔®图形产品的操作系统 您一直在使用Microsoft通用...
经过查询得知是因为Intel没有为HD3000/HD2000/HD Graphics这些一代及二代的老核显为Win10更新驱动,以至于程序在manifest文件中的supportedOS加上了Win10之后,OpenGL的DLL就无法被加载。 起初只有一种不完美的解决办法就是修改程序的manifest,把supportedOS里的Win10去掉,但是这样不能从根本上解决异常问题。
So, please provide a link where I can download windows 8.1 x64 drivers for Intel HD graphics 3000. thx 翻譯 0 積分 複製連結 回覆 Anonymous 不適用 02-01-2016 10:21 AM 40,137 檢視 Hi livescu, The graphics driver available is for Windows® 8.1 32bit. The drivers available for ...